Working on roads
We are committed to ensuring that external works and temporary traffic management can occur safely on roads, in a coordinated manner and with minimal disruption to road users.
If you are planning any of the following you will need to notify us and obtain consent:
- If you are planning to conduct road works or an event that requires traffic management on a state road, refer to the 'Traffic Management for Roadworks & Events' section.
- If you require traffic management on a local government road which will affect the operation of traffic signals, or is within 30 metres of traffic signals, refer to the 'Traffic Management for Roadworks & Events' section.
- If you are planning to do work within the road reserve (including the roadway and / or the roadside), refer to the 'Third Party Roads' section.
Additionally, anyone seeking to conduct Traffic Management should refer to the ‘Training and Accreditation’ section, and any company that seeks to provide traffic management services should refer to the information in the 'Traffic Management Company Registration Scheme' section.
Application for Traffic Management Accreditation
This list of Approved Traffic Management Training Providers (PDF) have met the requirements of our Service Agreement for Training Providers (PDF) and have been approved to issue Traffic Management accreditation.
Traffic Management Accreditation Database
A graduate search tool is also provided to help you verify that a person holds a valid Main Roads Traffic Management accreditation.Roadworks Traffic Managers
Roadworks Traffic Manager (RTM) accreditation was created to increase the standard of traffic management on WA roads. RTM accreditation is the highest accreditation that can be achieved in WA and given to traffic management professionals with the most knowledge, skills and experience in the traffic management industry.
All Traffic Management Plans (TMP) for works involving “complex traffic management arrangements” are required to be reviewed and endorsed by a Roadworks Traffic Manager (RTM).
We also require all major projects to have Suitability and Compliance Audits on the temporary traffic management schemes conducted by RTMs; as specified in the project specific tender requirements.
Roadworks Traffic Manager (RTM) Listing
All RTMs listed meet the accreditation requirements for registration.
- Roadworks Traffic Managers (RTM) List - (PDF 126 KB)
Those seeking to engage an RTM should be confident that those listed have suitable experience and are capable of providing the required standard of services. MRWA takes no responsibility for the suitability of RTMs selected.
RTM Accreditation Information
For information on the Accreditation Process for RTMs see the below document:
A completed copy of the following documents should be included in your application:
- RTM Accreditation Application Form (Word document)
- Roadworks Traffic Managers - Code of Conduct (PDF)
- RTM Mentoring Checklist (Word document)
RTM Accreditation Panel
The RTM Accreditation Panel has the responsibility to assess the applications for accreditation of RTMs, consider any formal complaints of professional misconduct against RTMs and make recommendations of any process improvements required to uphold the conduct and standards of work of RTMs.
Worker safety on our roads
Traffic Management Templates
- Basic Traffic Management Plan (TMP) template
- Traffic Management Plan (TMP) template
- Event Traffic Management Plan template
- Temporary Modifications to Traffic Signals Approval - Technical Report template
- Notification of Roadworks Template
- Notification of Event Form Template
- Application for Variation to Standards
- Checklist to Determine the Need for Generic or Site Specific TMP
- Example Onsite Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) Selection Checklist
- Traffic Management Daily Diary Template
- Events on Roads Daily Diary Template
- Traffic Incident Report Form
- Basic Traffic Management Plan (TMP) template
Example Plans
- Example - Event Traffic Management Plan (TMP)
- Example - Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for events - Category 6 event
- Example - Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for events - Category 4 event
- Example - Complex Traffic Management Plan (TMP)
- Example - Non Complex Traffic Management Plan (TMP)
- Example - Generic workzone Traffic Guidance Schemes - AS 1742.3 signs
- Example - Generic workzone Traffic Guidance Schemes - MMS