HVS Update 31-2024
Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Services advise that we have recently identified an issue with the webforms on our website that has arisen as a result of a software change.
HVS Update 30-2024
Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Services advises that updates have been made to the Single Trip OSOM Vehicle Standard Operating Conditions.
HVS Update 29-2024
Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Services are removing the following RAV network access from the section of Wattleup Road, east of the Mandogalup Road intersection.
HVS Update 28-2024
Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Services is pleased to advise that we have worked with the National Transport Research Organisation (NTRO) to develop a suite of Restricted Access Vehicle Route Assessment Tools (RAVRAT)
Heavy Vehicle Travel Impacts
A new Travel Impacts tool is now available, allowing you to search and filter impacts to your RAV or OSOM journey.
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