News & Information
HVS are the heavy vehicle regulator for Western Australia (WA) and are responsible for improving heavy vehicle safety, productivity, and the equity of services across the transport industry through compliance, innovation, and road asset sustainability.
HVS facilitate and regulate the movement of Restricted Access Vehicles (RAVs) across the state, provide a one-stop shop for permits and traffic escort services for oversize, over mass movements, administer the Heavy Vehicle Pilot licencing scheme, the WA Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (WAHVA), the training and certification of WA Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (WAHVA) Auditors, and work with industry groups and other government agencies at a state and national level.
Heavy Vehicle Pilots
Heavy Vehicle Pilots (Pilots) play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth passage of oversized loads through our highways and byways. Pilots provide advanced warning to other road users that an oversize vehicle is approaching and facilitate the safe movement of the oversize vehicles by directing traffic in their vicinity.
Pilot Vehicles are easily recognised by a large yellow reflective sign with the words “Oversize Load Ahead” and amber flashing warning lights mounted on the roof. Pilot Vehicles escorting loads in excess of 4.5 metres in width will also display white flashing lights on the front of the vehicle.
The number of Pilots accompanying an oversize vehicle will vary depending on the complexity of the load and their positioning will vary depending on where they are needed to safely manage traffic.
Important things to note:
A pilot vehicle with flashing amber lights, signals the pilot is escorting an oversized load - approach with caution, be prepared to slow down, and maintain a safe distance.
A pilot vehicle with alternate white flashing lights, warns road users of an impending hazard or the need for an immediate change in traffic conditions – respond promptly and adjust speed accordingly
Directions given by Pilots are lawful directions and must be obeyed
Traffic Escort Wardens
Traffic Escort Wardens play a critical role in the safe movement of high-risk, Over Size Over Mass (OSOM) vehicles throughout Western Australia. The use of a Warden is required where the dimensions of an OSOM vehicle and its load exceed 5.5 metres in width and/or 40 metres in length.
Traffic Escort Vehicles have red and blue flashing lights on the roof and have “Traffic Escort” displayed on both sides of the vehicle. Most Traffic Escort Vehicles now have a blue and white sign with the words “Oversize Escort”.
Wardens are responsible for:
Preparing a journey management plan
Submitting a Green Light Corridor request if required
Conducting pre-movement safety and compliance checks in line with permit requirements
Completing daily reports, vehicle logs and other administrative paperwork related to OSOM movements
Restricted Access Vehicles (RAVs)
RAVs are much bigger and heavier than other vehicles on the road. RAVs operate on dedicated approved road networks throughout the state. These networks have been individually assessed to ensure they are suitable for the road train to travel on them. Whilst longer road trains up to 60 metres operate solely in regional areas it is common to encounter road trains up to 42 metres in the Perth metro area.
Be patient as RAVs are much slower to accelerate to the speed limit.
Do not cut in front of a heavy vehicle as the driver may not have enough room to safely stop if they need to suddenly brake.
Leave even more space in poor weather conditions i.e. rain as this increases the time it takes for vehicles to stop.
The size of some RAVs can feel intimidating, understanding the ‘Road Train Domain’ will assist in getting everyone to their destination safely.
Oversize Vehicles
If you encounter an Over Size Over Mass (OSOM) load you should slow down as soon as you see the flashing lights of a Pilot Vehicle or a Traffic Escort Vehicle and be prepared to pull off the road and stop if necessary.
Under the Road Traffic Code 2000, you must follow the directions given by a Pilot and a Traffic Escort Warden when facilitating the movement of an oversize vehicle. So, always follow directions given by Heavy Vehicle Pilots and Traffic Escort Wardens, as these are being given for your safety and, if you have a UHF radio, tune into channel 40.
Do not risk overtaking an oversize vehicle. Be patient and wait for the oversize vehicle to move aside and the Pilots and Traffic Escort Wardens to clear traffic.
Take care to ensure you only pull back onto the road or move through an intersection when you are sure all vehicles in the oversize vehicle convoy have passed.
If the rear pilot waves you past or calls you over the UHF radio to advise that it’s safe to overtake, proceed with extreme caution. As the driver, you are still responsible for ensuring it is safe to cross the centreline and overtake.
Remember, Pilots and Wardens are doing their best to safely facilitate the movement of the OSOM loads and keep the public safe, so make sure you know what to do when it’s #BiggerThanYou.
The RACG is made up of transport, heavy vehicle industry, research bodies and road agency representatives from Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) and the Commonwealth.
The group was established in 2004 to provide a forum for matters affecting operations and transport in remote areas and its purpose is to provide a forum for members to focus on remote area operations and cross border issues with a view to:
- Advise the Infrastructure and Transport Senior Officials’ Committee (ITSOC) and the Infrastructure and Transport Ministers’ Meeting (ITMM) (through ITSOC), on priority reforms for remote areas;
- Improve the efficiency and productivity of transport in remote areas; and
- Maximise safety and environmental outcomes.
Western Australia, is the host state for 2021-2022, with the Main Roads Western Australia – Heavy Vehicle Services hosting meetings during this term.
Queensland will be the host state for 2023-2024.
Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Services hosts and attends various events throughout the year. We have successfully concluded our event series for 2024.
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Heavy Vehicle Pilot Calendar 2025
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Compliance & Enforcement Calendar 2025
This calendar offers useful information to stay up to date, informed and remain compliant.
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