Oversize Overmass (OSOM)

Single Trip Permits

Single trip Permit type


Application form

Operating conditions

Class 1 RAV Oversize 

Single movement of a large indivisible load exceeding the dimensions covered by the Class 1 Oversize Period Permit.
$25 for a single trip Class 1 RAV - Single Trip Application (Use for Overmass Single Trip Permit Applications)

Single Trip Oversize Overmass Application - Copy Permit

Class 1 RAV - single trip application

Application to Amend Specified Journey (Single Trip) Permit

Single Trip OSOM Vehicle Standard Operating Conditions

Class 1 RAV Overmass

Single movement of a large indivisible load that exceeds the mass limit and is either within statutory dimension limits or the dimensions are covered by the Class 1 Oversize Period Permit.
1 cent per kilometre per tonne over statutory mass limits

Class 1 RAV Oversize & Overmass

Single movement of a large indivisible load that exceeds both a dimension and mass limit, generally outside the parameters of oversize and overmass period permits.

Bridge Crossing 

An application can be made for a single movement, when required to cross a bridge that is specified as restricted. 
$25 for a single trip Bridge Crossing Permit Application *will be provided with issued permit

Pre Permit Checklist

Complete the steps below prior to submitting your permit application form

TGS Traffic Guidance Scheme

Period Permits

Period Permit type



Operating Conditions

Travel conditions / networks

Class 1 RAV Oversize

For transportation of large indivisible loads. Allows for a vehicle and load to be up 5.5 metres in width, 5.5 metres in height and 40 metres in length. 
$50 for three years Class 1 RAV oversize period permit application

Class 1 RAV Oversize Period Permit - Operating Conditions 

State-wide access, excluding Freeways, refer to Class 1 RAV Oversize Period Permit - Operating Conditions for travel conditions

Class 1 RAV Oversize Boat Transport

For transporting a boat wider than 2.5 metres. Valid for three years. 

Guide to towing oversize boats on public roads

Class 1 RAV Low Loader Overmass

For the transportation of heavy indivisible loads. Allows low loader combinations to move loads with a gross mass of up to 92.5 tonnes for certain combinations. Valid for 12 or 36 months and can be used in conjunction with the Class 1 RAV Oversize Period Permit.
Class 1 RAV Low Loader Overmass Period Permit Fee Schedule Class 1 RAV Low Loader Overmass Period Permit Application Class 1 RAV Low Loader Overmass Period Permit Operating Conditions Class 1 RAV Low Loader Overmass - Restricted Structures

Class 1 RAV Low Loader Overmass DBCA - Restricted Structures

Class 1 RAV 8 Tyre Per Axle Low Loader Overmass Period Permit

For the transportation of heavy indivisible loads on 8 tyre per axle low loaders operating on approved networks. Valid for 12 or 36 months and may be used in conjunction with a Class 1 RAV Oversize Period Permit or a Class 1 RAV Oversize Single Trip Permit.


Class 1 RAV 8 Tyre Per Axle Low Loader Overmass Period Permit Fee Schedule Class 1 RAV 8 Tyre Per Axle Low Loader Overmass Period Permit Application Class 1 RAV - 8 Tyre Per Axle Low Loader - Overmass Period Permit - Operating Conditions 8TPA Low Loader Network 1 (8TPALLN1)

8TPA Low Loader Network 1 (8TPALLN1) – LG Sort

8TPA Low Loader Network 2 (8TPALLN2)

8TPA Low Loader Network 2 (8TPALLN2) – LG Sort

8TPA Low Loader Network 3 (8TPALLN3)

8TPA Low Loader Network 3 (8TPALLN3) – LG Sort

8TPA Low Loader Network 4 (8TPALLN4)

8TPA Low Loader Network 4 (8TPALLN4) – LG Sort

8TPA Low Loader Network 5 (8TPALLN5)

8TPA Low Loader Network 5 (8TPALLN5) – LG Sort

8TPA Low Loader Network 6 (8TPALLN6)

8TPA Low Loader Network 6 (8TPALLN6) – LG Sort

Class 1 Restricted Area Low Loader Overmass Period Permit

For the transportation of heavy indivisible loads within approved Local Government areas. Valid for 12 or 36 months and can be used in conjunction with a Class 1 RAV Oversize Period Permit or a Class 1 RAV Oversize Single Trip Permit


Class 1 RAV Restricted Area Low Loader Overmass - Period Permit Fee Schedule Restricted Area Low Loader Overmass Period Permit Application Restricted Area Low Loader Overmass Period Permit Operating Conditions

Approved Local Government Areas only and no bridges to be crossed. The following Route Plan must be completed prior to travel.


Restricted Area Low Loader Route Plan

Platform Trailer Relocation

For the relocation of platform trailers. Valid for 12 or 36 months for unlimited number of movements of unladen trailers on approved routes.
Platform Trailer Relocation Period - Permit Fee Schedule Platform Trailer Relocation Period Permit Application Platform Trailer Relocation Period Permit - Operating Conditions Platform Trailer Relocation Network - Listed by LG order

Platform Trailer Relocation Network - Listed by Road name order

Power Pole Transport

Available to a rigid motor vehicle, fitted with a crane and drilling device, towing a pole jinker trailer for the purpose of transporting and installing power poles. Only available to power providers or contractors authorised by the power provider.
$50 for three years Power Pole Transport Period Permit Application Form Specified with issued permit

Conditions detailed on issued permit. State-wide access, excluding Freeways

Rowing Boat Trailer Period Permit - General Access

For the transportation of overlength rowing boats on a purpose-built boat trailer.

Refer to the Rowing Boat Trailer Period Permit - General Access Vehicle Measurement Guide for allowable dimensions.
$50 for three years Rowing Boat Trailer General Access Permit Application Specified within issued permit State-wide access
Image of the RAV Map


Approved Networks, Heavy Vehicle Travel Impacts, Restricted Structures Lists, Drive Over & Under Structure Locations, WA Agricultural Pilot Zones and more, are all provided in one easy-to-use map.

RAV Mapping Tool »

Payments & Refunds

Payment, refund and permit transfer information is provided below.

Oversize Vehicle: Route Survey & Pilot Video - Audit Regime

Vehicles operating under an Oversize Permit must undertake a route survey before moving the oversize load on the public road network. 

The Oversize Vehicle Route Survey - Audit Regime document provides the minimum requirements for the route survey. 

The Oversize Vehicle Route Survey Template is provided to assist and guide you in undertaking the survey by setting the minimum standard required. 

Pilot vehicles accompanying loads in excess of 4.5 metres in width, must also be fitted with a forward facing video recording device . 

The Oversize Vehicle Pilot Video - Audit Regime document outlines the minimum video recording device requirements, the storage requirements for the video recordings and the associated auditing process.

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