Vehicular Signals
Variation Notices
There are variation notices associated with this design guideline, noted below:
Table of Contents
1. General
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this guideline is to detail the standards and procedures requi;ed for the design of traffic signals in Western Australia and to provide guidelines on the application of these standards.
The guidelines in this document and its associated chapters are complementary to the following national guidelines and standards, as well as Main Roads Supplementary Standards linked below:
- Main Roads Supplement to Austroads Guide to Traffic Management, Part 6: Intersections, Interchanges and Crossings Management;
- Main Roads Supplement to Austroads Guide to Road Design, Part 6A: Paths for Walking and Cycling
- Main Roads Supplement to Austroads Guide to Traffic Management, Part 10: Transport Control – Types of Devices;
- Main Roads Supplement to Austroads Guide to Road Design, Part 4A: Un-signalised and Signalised Intersections;
- Main Roads Supplement to the Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 4C: Interchanges;
- Austroads Guide to Traffic Management, Part 10: Transport Control – Types of Devices (AGTM10-20);
- Austroads Guide to Road Design, Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General (AGRD04-23);
- Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 9: Transport Control Systems – Strategies and Operations (AGTM09-20);
- AS 1742.9, Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 9 Bicycle Facilities;
- AS 1742.10: Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 10: Pedestrian Control and Protection; and
- AS 1742.14: Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 14: Traffic Signals.
This guide must be used in conjunction with these standards.
It is not practicable to completely standardise the design of traffic signals. However, to ensure uniformity it is important to standardise the design procedures. When there is ambiguity, these guidelines take precedence over mentioned guidelines.
The objective is to enable a designer to produce a full complement of drawings and documentation that is suitable for forwarding to a construction group for implementation.
1.2 Scope
This guideline covers the design of traffic signals within Western Australia at intersections generally affected by traffic signal operation. However, it must be noted that coordinated ramp metering signals for freeways do not fall within the scope of this document.
It outlines the relevant standards and procedures to be followed when producing a traffic signal design. It provides guidance on components of traffic signal equipment and intersection arrangement, and details design output requirements and their presentation.
This guideline is to be used in conjunction with Main Roads Guide to Road Design and Traffic Management Guidelines for Traffic Control Devices.
The complete documentation of traffic signal design will consist of a design package produced in accordance with this guideline.
1.3 Authority and Responsibility
The Commissioner of Main Roads, under Regulation 297 of the Road Traffic Code 2000 has the sole authority to erect, establish or display, and alter or take down any traffic control signal in Western Australia. To this extent, all traffic control signal installations, removals, or alterations must be formally approved by the Main Roads Network Operations Directorate.
Notwithstanding the above, it should be noted that the Commissioner has delegated approval of traffic control signals exclusively to the Executive Director of Network Operations.
All Traffic Signals approvals are assessed and processed as per Main Roads Traffic Signal Approval Policy.
2. Design Procedures
2.1 General Principles
The design of new traffic signals, or modifications to existing traffic signals, is influenced by many factors. These may include traffic conditions, maintenance considerations, road geometry, location of services, signal equipment and economic considerations. The expectation of future expansion may also influence the design.
Traffic controlled intersection design involves several engineering disciplines such as electrical design and traffic engineering, some of which are highly specialised. It is essential that suitably experienced personnel manage each element.
The overall design process consists of several components. Many of these are interrelated. A change in any one element may influence others which have previously been established, but which may need to be reconsidered.
The choice of individual design elements must be based on established standards, guidelines and practices, and any departures must be documented with substantiation (e.g. turning pocket length based on deceleration requirements and predicted queue lengths, but limited by road reserve and environmental issues).
It is important that the designer ensures compliance with general standards, as well as site specific requirements and issues.
2.2 Traffic Operational Design
An integrated approach between design and modelling must be undertaken for all modification or installations of traffic signals, to ensure adequate capacity and serviceability outcomes for all road users, both now and in the future. Traffic signal operational design should be informed by detailed operational traffic modelling as prescribed by the Main Roads Traffic Signal Approval Policy. For further guidance on modelling requirements affecting traffic signals refer to Main Roads guidance provided in the Main Roads Operational Modelling Guidelines.
2.3 Intersection Design
2.3.1 General
The aim of intersection design is to reduce the likelihood and severity of crashes and optimise the safety of all road users and improve traffic flows. Guidance to a wide range of and considerations in the intersection design process can be obtained from the Austroads Guidelines referred to in clause 1.1.
2.3.2 Survey Drawings
Engineering surveys, verification plots, digital data and survey drawings must be prepared for the site in accordance with AS 1100.401:1984 Technical Drawing Part 401: Engineering Survey and Engineering Survey Design Drawing and Main Roads Survey and Mapping Guidelines and Standards listed on the Main Roads website here.
The surveys must include all above and below ground services, property boundaries and other site features such as driveways, trees, major signs, street lighting poles and bus stops etc.
2.3.3 Co-ordinate System
The surveys and designs coordinate systems must be based on the relative project zones found on the Main Roads Survey Portal. For technical queries specifically related to coordinate systems, please contact the Main Roads Customer Information Centre at upon which the Main Roads Senior Geodetic Surveyor will be notified.
2.3.4 Service Authorities
A search for the existence of services must be undertaken with the respective service authorities. Using the 'Before you Dig' service is recommended. The existing location or cost of relocation, of services may affect the traffic signal design. All traffic signal components must be designed to have the required clearances to both underground and/or overhead services.
The designer must liaise with the service authorities to identify all services that require relocation or access.
Quotations from the relevant service authorities must be obtained to develop the most cost-effective design to ensure that the most economical long-term solution is provided after considering both construction and long-term operational costs. Where cost constraints occur due to the relocation of existing services or easements, alternative intersection designs must be considered.
Any easements that may affect the construction and maintenance, and services that may require relocation must be identified and details provided on the drawings.
2.3.5 Geometric Design
The geometric design of the intersection must be in accordance with Main Roads Supplements to Road Design Documents found on the Main Roads website here, with respect to Guide to Road Design and Drainage Guidelines.
Further information is available in the following Main Roads Documents:
- Policy for Cycling Infrastructure; and
- Guidelines for Pedestrian Crossing Facilities at Traffic Signals
As far as practicable the geometric design should allow for modification such as (but not limited to):
- adding / changing phases;
- adding turning arrows;
- accommodating diamond turning movements;
- adding pedestrian facilities / signals (pedestrian ramps should comply with standards.
- signalising left slips;
- installing bicycle lanes and pedestrian crossings (zebra crossings) on left slips;
- seeking approvals for native vegetation constraints, Aboriginal heritage etc;
- site fixtures such as awnings, ornamental fixtures, camera poles and red light infringement cameras; and
- any other existing utility infrastructure such as poles, streetlights etc.
Horizontal curves should not continue through signalised intersections. Where possible, vehicles at the stop line intending to travel straight through should be directly facing the respective exit lane. Horizontal curves should be accommodated in the approaches and departures. This reduces potential sideswipe problems, and the need for guidelines and raised pavement markers, which may pose a risk to motorcyclists, and may suffer from high wear, requiring frequent maintenance.
Intersections for traffic signals should be kerbed and include roadway and public spaces lighting where practical.
Deficiencies in the geometric layout of an existing intersection must be identified and, where practicable, rectified before, or as part of, designing traffic signals.
Where cost constraints occur due to acquisition of additional private land limitations, topography or other features, alternative intersection designs must be considered. Corner and median islands
Corner and median island dimensions must take the following into account:
- clearance of posts, lanterns and attachments from traffic;
- clearance of termination pits and cable draw pits from traffic;
- 3 m minimum separation between audio-tactile pedestrian push buttons;
- location of loop pits;
- access to conduits;
- clearance between conduits, pits and post footings;
- location of traffic signs and traffic direction signs;
- ramps, medians, gaps and walk through arrangement at pavement level; and
- access to pedestrian push buttons
2.3.6 Maintenance
The geometric design, in conjunction with the traffic signal equipment and roadway lighting layout, should consider the ability to perform maintenance functions such as pavement marking, traffic signal and roadway lighting lamp replacement, and traffic signal repairs, in a safe and efficient manner.
2.3.7 Pavement Design
The pavement surface on the approaches to traffic signals must be free of any changes in colour or texture, which could cause confusion over the correct stopping location. Where different colours or textures are used, they must extend from the stop line to the start of the 'no stopping' zone. At the intersection, any colour or texture change, or concrete 'beam', must be directly in line with the stop line (or bicycle stop line where head start facilities are installed). The designed pavement thickness must allow loops to be cut into the road.
Main Roads drawings 201131-0008, 201131-0001, 202131-0030 & 201931-0006 on the Main Roads website provide guidance on safety raised pavement at intersections.
2.3.8 Signs and Pavement Marking
Signs and pavement markings must be in accordance with Main Roads Traffic Management Guidelines, Chapter 2 – Signs Pavement Marking, found on the Main Roads website, for Traffic Control Devices and Main Roads Pavement Marking Drawings.
2.3.9 Local Authority
The local authority must be contacted to identify any requirements, or information, which may influence the design of the traffic signals.
2.3.10 Restricted Access Vehicles and Loads (High Wide Loads)
The design must allow for the requirements of restricted access vehicles and loads along designated restricted vehicle load routes and the designer must refer to Main Roads Standard Restricted Access Vehicle Route Assessment Guidelines, for vertical clearance requirements, on the Main Roads website. Designers can also undertake a desktop evaluation of routes using the Restricted Vehicle Map available on the Main Roads website and review other supporting information here.
Further detail and guidance on overhead vertical clearances are available on the Main Roads website or alternatively seek advice direct from the Main Roads Access Branch, contactable via email at
2.4 Traffic Signal Functions
2.4.1 General
The main purpose of traffic signals is to reduce or eliminate conflict between various road user movements by allocating right-of-way, thereby reducing the number and severity of crashes. However, traffic signals have the potential to introduce seemingly unnecessary stops and delays, thereby raising driver frustration and leading to poor driver behaviour. The need for traffic signals, the functional aspects and the effects on the overall road network require careful consideration to avoid adverse consequences.
2.4.2 Traffic Signal Justification and Approval Process
2.4.3 Network Effects
The potential effects on the surrounding road network, including (but not limited to) queue lengths, traffic flow, access, coordination with other signals, roundabouts, railway crossings, school crossings and public transport must be investigated and documented, and considered in the traffic signal design.
This may require liaison with the Local Authority, Department of Planning Infrastructure (DPI), Public Transport Authority (PTA), Police, Main Roads, Rail Authority, Department of Fire and Emergencies, and other relevant agencies.
2.4.4 Pedestrian Facilities
Pedestrian facilities at traffic signals must be in accordance and the following standards and guidelines:
- Main Roads Guidelines for Pedestrian Crossing Facilities at Traffic Control Signals;
- Austroads Guide to Road Design, Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General (AGRD04-23);
- Main Roads Supplement to Austroads Guide to Road Design, Part 4A: Un-signalised and Signalised Intersections;
- Main Roads Supplement to Austroads Guide to Road Design, Part 6A: Paths for Walking and Cycling
- AS 1742.10 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 10: Pedestrian Control and Protection; and
- Main Roads Standard Drawing 200531-0038, Zebra Crossings at Slip Lanes.
All new traffic signals, including upgrades, that do not meet the access requirement for pedestrian signals initially, must be designed with the electrical capacity to enable installation of pedestrian signals as, and when, the need arises.
A maximum of 8 separate pedestrian crossings can be accommodated in a single controller. Intersections with more than 8 crossings would need to consider paired wiring of multiple crossings, where practical.
2.4.5 Cycling Facilities
Cycling facilities at traffic signals must be in accordance and the following policies, standards, and guidelines:
- Main Roads Policy for Cycling Infrastructure;
- Main Roads Policy for Installation of Bicycle Pavement Symbols on Carriageways;
- Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General (AGRD04-09);
- Main Roads Supplement to Austroads Guide to Road Design, Part 6A: Paths for Walking and Cycling;
- AS 1742.9, Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 9 Bicycle Facilities; and
- Main Roads Standard Drawings 200531-0006 & 200531-0007
2.4.6 Advance Warning Flashing Signals (AWFS)
Advance Warning Flashing Signals must be designed in accordance with Main Roads Advanced Warning Flashing Signals Guideline Document, available on the Main Roads website.
2.4.7 Red Light Infringement Cameras
All design inquiries concerning Red Light Cameras are to be forwarded to the Western Australia Police representatives as listed below:
Officer in Charge
Infringement Management & Operations
Western Australia Police Force - Operations Support Facility
2 Clayton St, Midland WA 6056
Phone number: 9374 4555
2.4.8 U-Turns
U-Turns at Traffic signals must only be permitted where the conditions are met as detailed in Main Roads Policy and Application For ‘U-Turn Permitted’ Signs at Traffic Signal Controlled Intersections and Supplement to Austroads Guide to Traffic Management, Part 10: Transport Control – Types of Devices, available on the Main Roads website.
2.4.9 Phasing
Phasing must generally be in accordance with Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 9.6.5: Transport Control Systems – Strategies and Operations (AGTM09-20), with the following additions/alterations:
- multi-lane left slips must be controlled by signals;
- multi-lane right turns must be controlled by arrows, and must be prohibited from filtering;
- right turn traffic must be prohibited from filtering where approach speeds are 70 km/h;
- right turn traffic must be prohibited from filtering where the road is classified District Distributor A and above;
- pedestrian signals with respect to phasing must be in accordance with the requirements of the standards and guidelines listed in clause 2.4.4; and
- the maximum speed limit traffic signals operate in Western Australia is 70 km/hr.
Phasing, traffic signal coordination, geometric design, LinSig and SIDRA analysis, and signal timing is an integrated process; any change requires adherence to the Main Roads Traffic Signals Approval Policy.
2.5 Traffic Signal Components
2.5.1 General
Orientation, horizontal and vertical location of traffic signal components, will be influenced by numerous factors such as geometric layout, location of services (see also Utility Providers Code Of Practice), roadside furniture, buildings, verandas and awnings.
The drawings must show all the components required and provide details such as locations, mounting heights, minimum horizontal and vertical clearances, as well as any special requirements, modifications or variations from the standards. The design documentation must include details of specific requirements such as approvals or permits from the Local Authority, other agencies or property owners.
Modifications to existing traffic signals should consider the design and construction of, and compatibility with, existing components.
All components of traffic signals must be installed wholly within the road reserve. No part of the installation must encroach onto private or commercial property, or property owned by other agencies.
2.5.2 Power Supply
Traffic signal installations must be connected to the electricity network operator’s distribution network via the following two methods:
- an unmetered supply from a dedicated pillar (pit), or
- a dedicated circuit from a Main Roads Main Switchboard, refer to Main Roads Guideline Drawings 200231-0065 and 201531-0023.
The designer must adopt a supply from a Main Roads Main Switchboard only if the Main Roads Main Switchboard is located at the intersection (within 30 m of the intersection and visible from the traffic signal controller cabinet). For any further advise with respect to determining the source of supply, or other related queries, please submit a Technical Query to Main Roads.
2.5.3 Uninterruptible Power Supply
The below criteria warrants the entirety of the traffic signal installation to be supported by an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS).
Note, an ATC External UPS (ECUPS) is an approved product. Any other UPS types must be pre-approved through the Technical Query Process.
A traffic signal installation warrants a UPS under the following criteria:
- the intersection is integrated with Advanced Warning Flashing Signals;
- the intersection is integrated with a railway level crossing;
- the intersection is defined as a Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI); or
- the intersection is straddling a Freeway, managing the traffic in or out of a Freeway’s on or off ramp(s).
Consideration must also be given for a UPS at high-speed rural intersections, at high-speed intersections with visibility constraints, or at some intersections where the managing of pedestrian and vehicle movements in the event of a black out would be especially challenging. These considerations are subjective and will need to be addressed on a case-by-case basis. It is encouraged that advice is sort from Main Roads at the earliest convenience, by the respective Project Manager via the Technical Query Process, during the development stage of the works.
2.5.4 Communications
All Main Roads’ traffic signals installations must be integrated into the Main Roads Traffic Control System Network, to allow real-time monitoring as well as coordination between traffic signals installations.
Traffic signals must be integrated into the Main Roads Traffic Control System Network via the following methods in order of Main Roads preference:
- Main Roads fibre optic network;
- Western Australian Government Agency fibre optic networks;
- Third party fibre retailers;
- National Broadband Network retailers; and
- 4G (LTE).
It is encouraged that advice is sought from Main Roads at the earliest convenience ideally during the project development phase. This advice is to be sought by the respective Project Manager via email to EAM_ITS&, whereby Main Roads will investigate available communication methods and existing infrastructure, and will specify the communication type required to be integrated into the site. For brownfields work, Main Roads may be able to provide advice with respect to traffic signal controller cabinet rack space to accommodate further communications equipment.
2.5.5 Traffic Signal Controller Cabinet
The traffic signal controller and its associated cable draw pit, Earth pit and Communication pit must be in accordance with Main Roads drawings 200431-0123 and 200431-0128 located within the road reserve with the back of the controller facing the intersection where practicable.
Please note, a double door traffic signal controller cabinet (front and rear access) are warranted under the following conditions.
- site employs a star wiring system; and
- the traffic installation has greater than 12 poles.
For greenfield works, a double door traffic signal controller cabinet is also warranted where a traffic signal intersection will have an integrated Closed Circuit Television Camera (CCTV).
Note, ‘Top hats’ are only warranted at brownfield sites, and must only be retrofitted to existing single door traffic signal controller cabinets, to house additional communication infrastructure and/or other integrated ITS equipment.
The traffic signal controller cabinet must be located specifically at site under the following conditions:
- is as close as practicable to the power supply and telecommunications sources;
- is on level ground;
- is accessible to maintenance vehicles and service personnel;
- can accommodate temporary external portable power supplies;
- is near a property boundary and away from the edge of road as much as practicable;
- does not interfere with road user sight distance;
- does not interfere with pedestrian and shared path facilities; and
- enables maintenance and operation personnel to have a clear view of traffic signals from the traffic signal controller cabinet, as much as practicable;
- All traffic signal controller cabinets must be capable of being opened with a minimum of 0.6 m clearance from all roadside furniture and/or kerb face; and
- Installed as such that the main door will open above pit DIBD1 (see clause
Any controllers related to ITS other than those related to CCTV or Bluetooth Beacons must not be housed in the traffic signal controller cabinet. ITS equipment can be provided with a circuit from the traffic signal controller cabinet with Main Roads prior approval through the Technical Query Process found on Main Roads website.
Where controllers are at risk of minor collision, e.g. with vehicles manoeuvring / parking on verges etc, protective bollards must be installed. Bollards must consist of stub posts without the push-button or wiring, in accordance with type 3 traffic signal post on Main Roads Standard Drawing 9748-1098. (NOTE: the bollards must maintain some 'frangibility' and must not be installed as 'crash barriers', i.e. must not be installed in concrete footings or filled with any material). Bollards must be the same colour as a standard traffic signal pole, in accordance with Main Roads Specification 712 Traffic Signals, found on the Main Roads website.
Where two intersections are in close proximity (typically within 120 m) consideration should be given to operating them with one controller if they are operationally linked, i.e. there is no requirement to run them totally independently from one another. The controller should preferably be located at an equal distance between two the intersections, to reduce feeder cable length and interference.
The use of a dummy traffic signal controller cabinet, (above ground termination panel to the same specifications as traffic signal controller cabinet) is warranted under the following criteria:
- The traffic signal intersection consists of atypical geometry where a group of six or more poles are greater than 100 m from the traffic signal controller cabinet.
2.5.6 Traffic Signal Posts and Overhead Signal Faces (Mast Arms) Traffic Signal Post Locations
Traffic signal posts must generally be located in accordance with Main Roads Supplement to Austroads Guide to Road Design, Part 10: Transport Control - Types of Devices and clause below. Post locations must accommodate the requirements of signal face layouts and lantern configuration (see clause 2.5.7).
In addition, an absolute minimum clearance of 600 mm must be maintained between any portion of the fittings, lanterns or accessories and the kerb face. Refer to further information in clause Clearances must be increased where there is a probability of conflict with the 'overhang' of vehicles such as buses, or the 'cutting in' of the rear end of long vehicles or trailers, or where the road has a significant camber which may cause high vehicles to 'lean in' towards the posts and attachments. The requirements of clearances must also consider high wide loads. Refer to clause 2.3.10 for further details.
Where the lateral position is less than 1 m clear from the kerb face (e.g. on narrow medians) consideration should be given to modifying the intersection geometry (e.g. widening the medians).
Where the median is wider than 5 m two traffic signal posts must be used.
Where there are more than two posts along a kerb (e.g. opposite the stem of a T-junction) they must be laterally offset sufficiently to provide clear sight lines to all aspects from all relevant approaches; i.e. the lanterns and visors on one post do not restrict sight lines to lanterns on another.
Traffic signal posts must be longitudinally located such that pedestrian push buttons are between 350 mm to 650 mm from the top of pedestrian ramps, accessible to all pedestrians. Where this cannot be readily achieved relocate traffic signal post or when not practical then separate pedestrian push button posts (stub posts) must be provided.
Where the requirements for clearances for high wide loads apply, but the geometric layout and signal post location cannot be arranged to adequately cater for high wide loads, removable traffic signal posts are to be used and placed near a termination pit so that the post can easily be removed. (Mast arms are not removable.)
The vertical column of a mast arm must maintain a minimum clearance of 1 m from the face of kerb.
Mast arms should not be designed for installation in medians, where practicable. Where it is determined that operational requirements cannot be met without the installation of the mast arm in the median, prior approval must be sought from Main Roads. Signal Display Location
Starting in a clockwise direction from the controller, each post must be identified by a number. Typical traffic signal post arrangements are indicated on Main Roads drawings 200431-0135, 200431-0136 and 200431-0137. Use of Overhead Signal Faces (Mast Arms)
The use of mast arms should be minimised and shall only be applied with prior approval from Main Roads. Where practicable, the geometric layout should be modified to avoid the necessity to use mast arms. As specified in Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 10: Transport Control – Types of Devices, 10.4.3 Overhead signal faces, mast arms are required in the following situations:
- where the stopping sight distance to the post-mounted signal face is inadequate, e.g. because of vertical or horizontal alignment, awnings, poles, trees or similar sight obstructions; and
- where the roadway is too wide for kerb mounted signal faces to fall within the driver’s line of sight.
In addition to the conditions specified above based on Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 10, mast arms are warranted where below conditions are applicable to a signalised intersection:
Where the posted permanent speed limit is 60 km/hr or more, and one or more of the below conditions are met:
- Two (2) or more signalised lanes per approach for carriageways without median (such as undivided roads and midblock pedestrian crossings), or
- Three (3) or more signalised lanes in one direction (e.g. through) per approach for carriageways with medians, or
- Four (4) or more signalised lanes per approach for carriageways with medians, or
- Heavy vehicle percentage greater than 10% of the total traffic per approach over a typical day.
Where the posted permanent speed limit is less than 60 km/hr, the need for mast arms should be assessed on a case-by-case basis based on evidence of need.
Mast arms are not applicable to approaches that are constrained by vertical clearance requirements. Refer to clause 2.3.10 for further details.
Where a mast arm is warranted in accordance with the above, provision of signal requirements for the opposite direction should be considered for consistency. In addition, supporting design documentation including calculations must be provided as part of the design report. Projects must identify the requirement for mast arms as part of the Traffic Signals Approval Policy Process (TSAP) as part of TSAP Stage 2.
Notwithstanding the requirements noted above, the designer may seek clarification on the use of mast arms for a specific instance through the Main Roads Technical Query Process, found on the Main Roads website. The submitted technical query must contain all relevant detail regarding the request to assist Main Roads in determining if a mast arm is warranted.
Traffic Signal Mast 5.5 m outreach general arrangement drawing 0330-1944. ‘Joint Use’ Arrangements for Traffic Signal Posts
‘Joint use’ arrangements (e.g. combined roadway lighting and traffic signals) must not be used except with traffic monitoring cameras and mobile phone antennae.
Joint use arrangements may be used with local government agencies; however approval must be sought from Main Roads through the Main Roads Technical Query Process. Traffic Monitoring Camera requirements at Traffic Signals
It is Main Roads preference for new intersections that are not otherwise comprehensively covered by other CCTV assets to have a CCTV integrated within the design. Consideration for CCTV should be confirmed by the designer no later than 15% design stage. Where the design brief includes the requirement for the integration of a CCTV camera at the traffic signal installation, the Project Manager must confirm that Main Roads operational requirements have been included, which is required for the designer to determine the most appropriate location. In the event the design brief does not include operational requirements for the proposed CCTV, the Project Manager must contact Main Roads via email at for further advice.
CCTV cameras must not be designed for installation on poles in median islands, where practicable. Where it is determined that operational requirements cannot be met without the installation of the CCTV camera in the median, approval must be sought from Main Roads. This approval must be sought via the Technical Query Process.
2.5.7 Signal Display Arrangements Signal Display Layouts
Signal display layouts must be in accordance with Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 10: Traffic Controls – Types of Devices. Deviation from the aforementioned standard must be approved by Main Roads through the Technical Query Process. The Technical Query must provide detailed reasoning of the need to deviate from standard practice. Signal Display Location
In general, primary signal posts and signal displays should be located such that they are as close as practicable to the direct line of vision of approaching drivers, considering the alignment of the approaching lanes. Secondary and tertiary signals posts and signal displays should be located such that they are as close as practicable to the direct line of vision of drivers when stopped at the stop line and when manoeuvring through the intersection, taking into account the alignment of the individual lanes; e.g. a dual secondary signal display may be out of direct line of vision when the driver is stopped at the stop line, but may come into direct line of vision when moving forward and waiting to turn.
Multiple signal displays are used to ensure drivers on multilane roads can see at least one signal display for each movement on the approach and on the departure. This allows for masking by adjacent vehicles, and also provides some redundancy in case of lamp failure.
Signal displays must be arranged generally in accordance with Austroads Guide to Traffic Management, Part 10: Transport Control – Types of Devices (AGTM10-20) 8.4 Location of Signal Faces with the following variations:
- in addition to a primary signal display, all approaches with 2 or more lanes (with or without a median) must have a dual secondary signal display or a secondary primary signal face;
- at T-junctions the terminating roads should have a dual secondary signal face except where the right turn is permanently prohibited, or where it would be significantly out of the driver's direct line of vision (note: only right-turning vehicles which have to stop part way through their turn, for conflicting traffic or pedestrians, rely on the visibility of a dual secondary signal);
- where 2 columns of arrows are used a dual secondary signal display must be provided;
- split tertiary signals must not be used;
- multi-lane signalised left slip lanes must have a secondary and tertiary signal display, both located in the median of the cross road;
- mid-block signalised crossings must be in accordance with Main Roads drawing 200431-0138;
- where parallel walks/no parallel walks are in place at sites without right turn arrows, there is no requirement for a "dual far right secondary display"; and
- staged or split pedestrian crossings need to be laterally offset as to avoid ‘look ahead’ visibility of the incorrect pedestrian signal.
To assist in placing signals as close as practicable to the driver's direct line of vision, where medians are more than 5 m wide consideration should be given to mounting the dual secondary signals on the same post as the dual primary signals of the opposing direction, instead of the far-right corner.
Where the right turn lane approach is aligned towards the right, and filtering is prohibited, splitting the 6-aspect secondary signal face and mounting the right turn arrows column on the same post as the dual primary signals of the opposing direction, and maintaining the dual secondary on the far-right corner.
Typical layouts are provided on Main Roads drawings , 200431-0118, 200431-0119, and 200431-0120. Signal Group Numbers
Signal groups must be numbered generally in accordance with Main Roads drawing 200431-0117.
For Advance Flashing Warning Signs numbering, refer to clause 2.5.10. Size of Aspects
All new traffic signal lanterns must be 200 mm nominal diameter. 300 mm traffic signal lanterns may be used under unusual circumstances related to sight stopping distance constraints at SPUIs and will require Main Roads approval, through the Technical Query Process. Lantern Mounting Heights
Lantern mounting heights must be in accordance with Main Roads drawing 200431-0147. Visors and Louvres
Visors and louvres must be in accordance with Austroads Guide to Traffic Management, Part 10: Transport Control – Types of Devices (AGTM10-20) and AS 1742.14: Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 14: Traffic Signals. Target Boards
For all upgrades to signals where any geometry is altered, consideration must be made for target boards to be installed on all primary, secondary, and tertiary signal lanterns. Note, target boards must maintain 600 mm clearance with the edge of kerb face.
Where there are constraints with respect to clearance and intersection geometry, exceptions may be granted to a minimum clearance of 300 mm between target board and edge of kerb face under the following conditions:
- the adjacent lane width is greater or equal to 3.2 m; or
- the location of the traffic signal post and lanterns are at a minimum of 3 m from the nose of the median or turning path.
All upgrades not including geometry modifications, but alterations to existing lanterns as part of its scope, shall include target boards as per conditions above. Further exceptions can sought through the Technical Query Process in extraordinary circumstances, including any proposals to remove any target boards.
Target boards to be assembled in accordance with Main Roads target board standard drawing 200431-0158. Placement of combined Bicycle/Pedestrian Lanterns
With reference to brownfield designs, where Pedestrian Walk/Don't Walk and Bicycle Cycle/Don't Cycle lanterns are installed alongside each other, bicycle lanterns must be installed to the right of the pedestrian lantern when facing the crossing. With regards to greenfield designs, the designer must refer to Main Roads Guidelines for Pedestrian Crossing Facilities at Traffic Control Signals found on the Main Roads website.
2.5.8 Detection Vehicle Detection
The default vehicle detection method is inductive symmetripole loops at the stopline, for the purposes of design. Vehicle detection must be via stop line loop detector systems and counter loops compatible with SCATS operation. Loop design must be in accordance with Main Roads drawings 200431-0135, 200431-0136, 200431-0137 and 200431-0167.
One symmetripole loop must be installed in each signalised vehicle lane.
An 11 m right-turn loop must be installed in shared right-turn/through lanes where it is necessary to discriminate between directions of flow such that if the predominant flow is straight through the right-turn phase is not extended unnecessarily.
One rectangular bicycle loop must be installed in each lane intended for sole use by bicycles to activate a phase in contrast to the main phase.
One rectangular counting loop must be installed in un-signalised slip lanes at a signalised intersection.
Loops must be allocated to the left kerb or median (or right kerb) as indicated on the Main Roads drawings.
Loops, including cycle loops, must be numbered L1, L2, etc, the reference for the first loop number is taken by placing the north point through the centre of the intersection and then working in an anticlockwise direction. Counting loops must be numbered after all traffic loops are numbered.
Bicycle detection markings must be applied, in accordance with Main Roads drawing 200231-008, to the left-hand lane of each individual direction (i.e. the left-hand of the lanes from which vehicles can turn left, the left-hand of the through lanes and the left-hand of the lanes from which vehicles can turn right), except where there is a separate marked bicycle lane and detector loop available for the particular direction. Bicycle detection or markings must not be applied to lanes associated with a permanent 'revert phase'.
Further detection exceptions can sought through the Technical Query Process in extraordinary circumstances where induction loops are not feasible. Pedestrian Detection
Pedestrian detectors must be installed in accordance with Main Roads policies, standards and guidelines listed under clause 2.4.4.
Pedestrian push buttons are numbered sequentially PB1, PB2 etc generally in accordance with the following convention:
- at 4-way intersections push buttons are numbered in an ascending order proportionally to the next highest vehicle signal group operating parallel to that push button. e.g. PB1 & PB2 are parallel to signal groups 1 & 2, and PB3 & PB4 are parallel to the cross road signals groups, with the remainder in a similar order to the order of the signal groups;
- at 3-way junctions PB1 is parallel to signal group 1, PB2 is parallel to signal group 2, with the remainder in numbered in ascending order to the next highest vehicle signal group; and
- pedestrian movement detectors (Above Ground Detectors or AGDs) are numbered sequentially AGD1, AGD2 etc in a clockwise direction starting from the one nearest to the controller.
2.5.9 Illuminated No Right Turn, No Left Turn
- No Right Turn (NRT) - dual primary and secondary signal posts
- No Left Turn (NLT) - primary and tertiary signal posts
2.5.10 Advanced Flashing Warning Signals
Advanced Flashing Warning Signals must only be installed with Main Roads' approval and in accordance with Main Roads Advanced Warning Flashing Signals guidance document.
Advanced Warning Flashing Signals (AWFSs) installed with 'Prepare to Stop' signs on the approach to traffic signals must be numbered AWFS S1, AWFS S2 etc. from the note must be added to the respective LMA drawing, e.g. AWFS S1 = SGX etc. X being the respective signal group number. All AWFS must be listed in this note. The assignment of respective AWFS must be in a clockwise direction starting from the traffic signal controller cabinet and the AWFS with respect to the signal group number must be such that the lowest numbered AWFS correlates with the lowest approach signal group number. e.g.
- AWFS S1 and AWFS S2 is on approach is SG1, therefore will be assigned SG13; and
- AWFS S3 and AWFS S4 is on approach to SG2, therefore will be assigned SG14.
Please note the above are examples only.
2.5.11 Cable Pits General
There are three categories of traffic signal installations in use in Western Australia: star system, pit system, and post-top system.
The star system is the preferred system and is to be used wherever practicable. The cables run directly from the traffic signal controller cabinet to each pole.
The pit system has the ring-main cable running between termination pits and the controller, with posts wired to the ring-main via its separate cable. Pit systems cannot be used where there is a high underground water level or unusually hard ground conditions. This system facilitates electrical isolation of posts, and maintenance and repairs. Where practicable a minimum of 1 m clearance should be maintained between pits and signal posts. Where practicable, pits should be located to allow conduits to be installed in straight lines. Pits must not be installed in ramps and gaps. Where pits could be subject to flooding, Main Roads advice must be sought prior to determining locations. Please note, greenfield installations must not use the pit system.
The post-top system has the ring-main cable running from post-top to post-top in a 'daisy chain' effect. Electrical isolation, maintenance and repairs can be more difficult than with the pit system. This is an outdated system. When modifying an existing post-top system consideration should be given to upgrading to the star or pit system. Please note, greenfield installations must not use the post-top system.
New traffic signal installations must be designed exclusively on the star system. The pit system and post-top system should only be used for modifications to existing sites or new intersection sites where star system cannot be used. The viability will depend on the extent of the modifications. Guidance must be sought from Main Roads in the project development phase on the desirability of upgrading to the star system. Termination Pits
For a pit system, the minimum number of termination pits should generally be used and positioned to allow for connection of up to 4 traffic signal posts each. (Note: up to 4 posts can also be connected directly to the controller) Where future expansion is anticipated, termination pits should be arranged to accommodate expected additional posts.
Termination pits are preferably located on verges away from traffic. Termination pits should not be located on islands, or narrow medians less than 6 m wide, where there is a risk of errant vehicles injuring maintenance personnel. Loop Pits
Loop pits should located in accordance with Main Roads drawings 200431-0135, 200431-0136, 200431-0137, 200431-0167, and where possible a minimum of 1.2 m clear of face of kerb.
Loop pits are generally located at the front of the loops and as close as practicable to the loop tails, whilst maintaining the minimum clearance from face of kerb.
The location of loop pits for 11 m loops and red light infringement camera loops should be as shown on Main Roads drawing 200431-0167.
Loop pits are not numbered. Cable Draw Pits
Double lid cable draw pits must be used where there is a significant change in direction of a conduit or along a conduit run. Where possible the pits should be 1.2 m minimum clear of the face of kerb.
Double lid cable draw pits must be designated DIBD1 (behind the traffic signal controller cabinet), DIBD2, DIBD3 etc in a clockwise direction (DIBD = Draw In Box Double-lid).
Single lid cable draw pits (P2 Type) must be used for advance warning flashing signals with one at the base of each sign, and one approximately halfway between the signs and the nearest termination pit or double lid cable draw pit. Where distances between pits exceed 65 m, particularly on curves, consideration should be given to providing additional pits to assist in cable installation.
Single lid cable draw pits are not numbered. Earth Pits and Communication Pits
An earth pit and a communication pit must be allocated beside each controller in accordance with Main Roads drawings 200431-0123.
2.5.12 Conduit General
Conduit crossing roads should be preferably installed by under road boring, except where installed in conjunction with road construction where trenching may be used prior to sealing the road. Trenching through roads and driveways must only be carried out with prior approval from Main Roads. Conduit crossing roads must be installed in straight lines, preferably perpendicular to the traffic lanes and using the most direct route suitable for boring. This will require prior identification of all services and potential obstacles. Conduit should be installed where they can be readily accessed for cable installation by simple excavation without the need to disturb road pavement, concrete pads, pram ramps etc. Conduit must not be installed under pedestrian ramps or gaps. A minimum of 200 mm clearance must be maintained between fixed conduit and signal posts. No bends are to be installed under the road surface, these are only permitted within traffic islands, or on the roadside. Star System
For a star wiring system, pit and conduits must generally be located in accordance with Main Roads drawings 0648-3001 to 0648-3005.
All conduits must be run through cable draw pits. Loop feeder conduits (only) must be run through loop pits. Designs must accommodate the following requirements:
- one conduit per traffic signal traffic post;
- one loop feeder conduit per direction, with no more than 6 loop feeder cables per 50 mm conduit;
- from traffic signal controller cabinet, two spare conduits at first legs in each direction and one spare conduit per subsequent leg;
- one white 50 mm communications conduit going around the traffic signal site, and to each corner/splitter island (where not used at corner splitter islands, conduit must be capped);
- two conduits at each loop pit except at end of feeder loop, where it must be only one conduit.
Where a dummy traffic signal controller is specified, 2 x 80 mm at minimum must be installed between main traffic signal controller cabinet and dummy traffic signal controller cabinet. Pit System
For a Termination Pit system, conduits must generally be located in accordance with Main Roads drawings 200431-0134, 200431-0135, 200431-0136 and 200431-0137.
All conduits must be run through terminating pits and cable draw pits. Loop feeder conduits (only) must be run through loop pits. Where future expansion is anticipated, sufficient conduits should be arranged to accommodate expected additional posts and pits. The intent of these requirements is that it must be possible to remove and replace any cable without excavation.
2.5.13 Cables
Cables must be in accordance with Main Roads Specification 712 Traffic Signals.
The designer is responsible for ensuring specifying the size of cables to be used and must be specified on the design.
Post connecting cables (pit/controller to post) must be 19 core.
Stub post cables and advance warning flashing signals cables must be 5 core.
In the event a design requires work on a standard traffic signals pole that is utilising a legacy cable (less than 19core), that cable must be upgraded to at-least a 19 core. Star System
In the star wiring system, all signal posts and loop pits are wired with 19 core cable back to traffic signal controller cabinet, unless if lantern capacity on respective pole exceeds 19 core capacity, then 29 core must be specified.
A maximum of 6 loop feeder cables are permitted in a single 50 mm conduit. Pit System
The ring-main cable (pit/controller to pit) should generally be 51 core.
Where the number of signal groups is limited, and there is no expectation of future expansion, 29 core cables may be used, such as T junctions, etc.
2.5.14 Railway Crossing Connections
Interconnection with railway crossing control systems must be in accordance with Main Roads drawing 200431-0105 and in conjunction with the rail authority. Cable and conduit will be installed by the Rail Authority up to, and into, the traffic signal controller, with final connections to be made by the traffic signal construction contractor.
2.6 Traffic Control Operation
2.6.1 General
In addition to geometric design, the safe and efficient operation of traffic signals depends largely on signal timings. Timings should generally be in accordance with Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 9 and should take into account the results of the LinSig or SIDRA analysis. Where the intersection forms part of a linked system, the SCATS timings must also be considered.
2.6.2 Railway Crossing Operation
The general principles of operation are:
Upon receipt of the 'early call' signal from the rail crossing control system the traffic signal controller must move to the clearance phase (where required). The early call will remain active until after receipt of the late call.
Upon receipt of the 'late call' signal from the rail crossing control system (which activates the flashing red signals and the boom gates) the traffic signal controller must move to the railway phase. The late call will remain active until after the train has cleared the crossing.
Upon removal of both the early and late call signals the traffic signal controller must resume normal operation.
Liaison with the rail authority will be required to determine the time difference between the two signals supplied by the rail crossing control system.
The minimum time between the early and late call signals must be such as to allow safe termination of any phase under the most adverse conditions (e.g. just started green or walk) and then running the clearance phase long enough to clear any vehicles possibly stored across the rail tracks. Potential vehicle numbers, types, lengths, and acceleration performances must be considered.
The maximum time between the early and late call signals must be such that the traffic signals are not held in the clearance phase for excessive times prior to the railway phase, as this typically leads to deliberate disregard of the red traffic signals. This should generally not exceed the minimum time (as determined above) by more than 10 seconds.
Where the late call only is received without an early call, the traffic signal controller must move to the clearance phase followed by the railway phase.
Where the early call only is received without a late call the traffic signal controller must move to the clearance phase and remain there until the call is removed.
Unless otherwise approved by Main Roads the railway phase must not operate until the flashing red signals and boom gates are activated. This is to ensure that no vehicles approaching the rail crossing from any direction will be stopped over the rail tracks.
3. Design Presentation
3.1 General
The quantity of drawings and documentation produced is dependent on the design requirements. The design presentation of an existing traffic signal site may require additional information over that of a new traffic signal site. Discretion and judgment should be exercised in the determination of which drawing details are necessary for a traffic signal treatment in any given situation. Similarly, the design review requirements are dependent on the extent of the project.
3.1.1 Documentation and drawings are required to:
- enable the construction / implementation of the design;
- provide a record of the design processes and details for future reference; and
- provide as constructed drawings and asset drawings upon completion of construction.
3.1.2 Generally the full presentation consists of:
- Geometric design drawing;
- Traffic Signal design drawing (LMA);
- Pavement marking minor signs design drawing (LMB);
- Major signs design drawing;
- a design report;
- any supporting documentation; and
- electrical wiring and communication drawings (LMC).
All documentation, except for the drawings, must be in Microsoft Word format, compatible with the latest software versions in use by Main Roads.
A copy of all documents and drawings must be supplied in electronic format.
3.2 Drawings
The presentation of traffic signal design drawings must be in accordance with Main Roads Design and Drawing Guidelines.
The presentation requirements for these are specified in the relevant Main Roads Guidelines Drawings on the Main Roads website.
Where modifications are proposed to an existing traffic signal site, a background of the existing layout must be prepared. The background for the traffic signal design drawing should include all existing features and details that would normally be required for a new design.
In the event that major works at an existing location include removal of traffic signal posts, the existing lanterns may be deleted from the posts on the drawing for clarity, with details in the construction notes.
Where minor works are proposed, existing drawings may be utilised to produce a traffic signal design drawing that meets the design requirements.
3.2.1 Naming of Intersections on Traffic Signal Design and LM Drawings
The following procedure must take place when stating road names in the title blocks of traffic signals and LM drawings:
- if the intersection is between one main road and one minor road, the main road's name must be stated first and followed by minor road's name; and
- if the intersection is between two main roads, then the road names should be stated in alphabetical order.
3.2.2 Signal Approach Grades
The grades on each approach shall be included on the Traffic Signal design drawing to allow for the correct calculation of signal timings. The grade of the approach shall be averaged across the length of the approach. The distance over which the average is calculated shall vary depending on the approach speed, as per the table below:
Approach Speed |
Distance Grade Averaged Over |
40 km/h | 60 m |
50 km/h | 90 m |
60 km/h | 120 m |
70 km/h | 150 m |
80 km/h | 180 m |
3.3 Connections
3.3.1 General
All connections must be as per the Main Roads Traffic Signals Standard drawings where applicable.
3.3.2 Cable Chart
Not applicable for designer. Traffic signal field termination cable charts for connection to the traffic signal controller are produced by Main Roads.
3.3.3 Wiring Diagram
Any special equipment, wiring or connections not covered in the Main Roads Traffic Signals Standard drawings, or in the cable chart, must be shown on a separate diagram.
3.4 Traffic Signal Controller Program
Not applicable for designer. All information required for traffic signal controller programming is produced by Main Roads.
3.4.1 Calculation of Yellow Times
Yellow timings used should be in accordance with Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 9, Appendix G with the following exception:
- Main Roads uses posted speed rather than design speed to determine yellow times in accordance with Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 9, Table G2.
3.5 Support Documentation
3.5.1 General
Information used in the design process, or to substantiate specific design details, must be documented in a design report. Details should include, where applicable, items such as:
- vertical and horizontal alignment issues such as sight distance limitations;
- variations from standards and guidelines;
- any other relevant item or feature; and
- Any approved and relevant technical queries.
3.6 Modelling
The design shall submit the modelling reports as per Traffic Signals Approval Policy Process (TSAP) requirements and submitted as part of the design review process.
3.7 Supplementary Specifications
Specifications must be prepared for each traffic signal project, which should include details not covered by the drawings, and any further detail required to carry out the works.
The specifications should include the following, but not limited to:
- description of the works;
- materials selected;
- installation standards and practices;
- construction details;
- provision for traffic management; and
- work to be carried out by others.
3.8. Design Review
Designs must be submitted to Main Roads in accordance with the Main Roads Traffic Signal Approval Policy.
In addition, designs from 15% and onwards must be reviewed by Main Roads Electrical Asset Management and be submitted via email to elect& Refer to Main Roads Electrical Asset Management Design Review Process. To expedite design reviews please ensure that the detailed design conforms to the following:
- LMA drawings must include correct approach posted speeds and road gradients;
- design submissions for review must include the relevant LMB drawing;
- stop lines must be included on both LMA and LMB drawings;
- scales of 1:125, 1:200, 1:250 used for LMA and LMB drawings;
- coloured drawings are used for all traffic signal related construction drawings including for new elements in blue, existing in black, and removed in grey with a construction note noting the use of the colours;
- references to relevant standard electrical drawings and stand alone electrical wiring diagrams, where applicable;
- services to be included on LMA design drawing, as well as other related road furniture to be considered during construction;
- design report; and
- existing services, new services, and services to be relocated, where they may affect the installation of traffic signal equipment, must be shown and submitted on the accompanying Geometric Design drawing.
4. Applicable Drawings
4.1 Main Roads Design Guideline Drawings
Traffic Control Signal Legends | |
Traffic Signal Mast - 5.5m Outreach - General Arrangement & Details | |
Advance Warning Flashing Signs - Typical Electrical Construction | |
Advance Warning Flashing Signs - Typical Electrical Construction Using Aluminium Frangible Posts | 201431-0015 |
Advance Warning Flashing Signs - ELV Lamp Signal Lanterns - Wiring Details | |
Advance Warning Flashing Signs - LED Signal Lanterns - Wiring Details | |
Advance Warning Flashing Signs - Region - LED Signal Lanterns - Wiring Detail | 201531-0060 |
Advance Warning Flashing Signs - At General Hazards - Typical Layout | |
Advance Warning Flashing Signs - At Rail Crossing - Typical Layout | |
Advance Warning Flashing Signs - School Crossings Signal Layout | |
Advance Warning Flashing Signals at School Crossings and Signs at Isolated Hazards - Schematic Circuit |
200431-0109 |
Advance Warning Flashing Signals at School Crossings and Signs at Isolated Hazards - Controller Panel Layout |
200431-0110 |
Advance Warning Flashing - Signals at School Crossing and Signs at Isolated Hazards - Switchboard Details |
200431-0111 |
Advance Warning Flashing Signals - Typical Conduit Layout and Lantern Mounting Details - School Crossings | |
Traffic Control Signals - Puffin and Pelican Crossing - Signs and Pavement Marking | |
Traffic Control Signals - Parallel Pedestrian Walks with Partial protection - Give Way to Pedestrians Sign MR-GT-20 | |
Traffic Control Signals - Typical Signal Display Locations - 4-Way Intersections with Split Phase |
Traffic Control Signals - Typical Signal Display Locations - 3-Way T-Junctions and Channelised Left Turns |
Traffic Control Signals - Traffic Signal Faults - Controller Label | |
Traffic Control Signals - Double Lid Cable Pit & Termination Pit - Typical Details | |
Traffic Control Signals - Controller Base Moulding | |
Traffic Control Signals - 29 Core Termination Box - Detail Drawing | |
Traffic Control Signals - 51 Core Termination Box - Detail Drawing | |
Traffic Control Signals - Typical Conduit Layout - For Future Signal Installation | |
Traffic Control Signals - Conduit, Pit, Post & Loop Layout - Typical 4-Way Intersection | |
Traffic Control Signals - Conduit Layout | |
Traffic Control Signals - Conduit Layout Typical - T Intersection |
Traffic Control Signals - Mid Block Pedestrian Signals - Conduit Layout | |
Traffic Control Signals - Signal Post and Stub Post - Installation Details | |
Traffic Control Signals - Lantern Aiming Guide | |
Traffic Control Signals - Vehicle Detector Loops - Installation Details | |
Traffic Control Signals - Vehicle Detector Loops - Wiring Guide | |
Star Wiring System - Typical 3-Way Intersection Conduit Layout | |
Star Wiring System - Typical 4-Way Intersection Conduit Layout | |
Star Wiring System - Typical 3-Way Island Intersection Conduit Layout | |
Star Wiring System - Typical Full Interchange Conduit Layout - Sheet 1 |
Star Wiring System - Typical Full Interchange Conduit Layout - Sheet 2 |
Traffic Controller - Large Housing - Equipment Layout Star System | |
Dummy Controller - Equipment Layout Star System | |
Dummy Controller - Layout and Wiring Details |
5. References
AS 1348 | Road and traffic engineering - Glossary of terms - Road design and construction |
AS 1742 | Manual of uniform traffic control devices |
AS 2144 | Traffic signal lanterns |
AS 2339 | Traffic signal posts and attachments |
AS 2353 | Pedestrian Push Button assemblies |
AS 2578.1 | Traffic signal controllers - Physical and electrical compatibility |
AS 2979 | Traffic signal mast arms |
AS/NZS 2276 | Cables for traffic signal installations - series |
AUSTROADS | Guide to Traffic Management Part 6: Intersections, Interchanges and Crossings (AGTM06-14) |
AUSTROADS | Guide to Traffic Management Part 9: Traffic Operations (AGTM09-14), |
AUSTROADS | Guide to Traffic Management Part 10: Traffic Control and Communications Devices (AGTM10-09), |
AUSTROADS | Guide to Road Design Part 4: Intersections and Crossings – General (AGRD04-09), |
AUSTROADS | Guide to Road Design Part 4A: Unsignalised and Signalised Intersections (AGRD04A-10), |
AUSTROADS | Guide to Road Design Part 6A: Pedestrian and Cyclist Paths (AGRD06A-09), |
MRWA | Road and Traffic Engineering Guidelines |
MRWA | Specification 712 - Installation of Traffic Signals |
MRWA | Utility Providers Services Committee - Utility Providers Code Of Practice for Western Australia |
MRWA | Glossary of Terms for ITS |