Smart Freeways Policy & Guidelines Overview
Our Smart Freeways documents and guidelines provide a consistent approach in designing and implementing Smart Freeways principles for freeway-standard roads. The Smart Freeways Policy and various guidelines influence overall planning, project development, delivery and ongoing operation of Smart Freeways in Western Australia. The aim is to ensure that when built, the freeway operates at optimum efficiency, and also it is ‘future-proofed’ for retrofitting Smart Freeway technologies as traffic demand increases.
All those who develop, design, deliver and implement projects on freeway-standard roads on behalf of Main Roads should refer to these documents.
Smart Freeways Policy
Our Smart Freeways Policy statement sets out Smart Freeways objectives and principles.
Smart Freeways Policy Framework Overview Documents and Guidelines
Smart Freeways Policy Framework Overview provides Smart Freeways context, principles, corporate governance, processes and intended outcomes to achieve policy objectives. This document also provides Main Roads Smart Freeways Planning Horizon for projects when considering Foundation ITS and Higher-order Extent for 2031 and 2041. The specifics of Clause 5.6.4 of this document should be followed by projects ensuring all design departures are assessed and approved under the further considerations and Delegation of Authority.
Smart Freeways Provision Guidelines narrates guidelines and warrants for application of Smart Freeways traffic management treatments and ITS devices.
Guidelines for Variable Message Signs provides requirements for the design and use of variable message signs for traveller information for safe and efficient travel for road users.
Smart Freeways Operational Efficiency Audit Guidelines recites guidelines for formal examination of traffic analysis and design of all freeway projects.
Supplement to Victoria’s Managed Motorway Design Guide, Volume 2: Design Practice, Parts 2 and 3 delivers Main Roads additional and specific requirements regarding network optimisation tools (benefits and operation of coordinated ramp signals) and planning and design for mainline, entry ramps (including ramp signals), exit ramps and interchanges.
Supplement to Victoria’s Managed Freeways Handbook for Lane Use Management & Variable Speed Limits details Main Roads’ Supplement relating to lane use management system (LUMS) and variable speed limits (VSL).
Smart Freeways Templates, Operational Efficiency Auditor application and registry
- Operational Efficiency Auditor Application & Guidance Register
- Operational Efficiency Auditor Application form
- Smart Freeways Mainline and Ramps Analysis Template
Independent Auditors and Senior Auditors should adopt the checklists within this document to audit various stages of the project ensuring the Smart Freeways principles have been applied and executed.
Interested designers, consultants and Main Roads employees could register to become an auditor or senior auditor after attending training or having achieved the accreditations requirements for Senior Auditors.
For further information about the Smart Freeways Policy Framework documents, please contact us.