Orrong Connect - Resources
On this page you will find project resources and information as well as the latest news and information to help you understand more about the Orrong Connect project.
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Orrong Connect - Frequently Asked Questions
Since Graham Farmer Freeway opened, traffic volumes on Orrong Road have increased significantly and it often operates at capacity, with around 65,000 vehicles, or 85,000 people, travelling along it every day.
Congestion along Orrong Road/Graham Farmer Freeway costs our local economy up to $49.5 million every year in lost productivity. Congestion on this stretch of road is expected to increase as population and traffic volumes continue to grow.
Safety is a priority. Between 2018 and 2022 there were more than 40 crashes which led to serious injury on this section of Orrong Road. With increasing traffic volumes, the risk of crashes will increase.
With population, traffic volumes and congestion forecast to increase, we are planning for the future.