We are seeking input from a diverse range of people to help us plan for the future of Orrong Road. Whether you live nearby, drive through, are a resident or a business owner, we are keen for you to be involved.
Consultation is now open, and you are invited to participate in a variety of ways. Check out how you can get involved here
Project overview
Orrong Road is a vital connection for many people moving across Perth.
Its role is both local, connecting communities and businesses in the surrounding suburbs, and regional, linking people to Perth Airport, the south-eastern suburbs and Perth Hills. It also links to Welshpool and Kewdale freight/industrial areas.
Every day, around 65,000 vehicles (or 85,000 people) travel along Orrong Road between Great Eastern Highway and Leach Highway. In future, congestion will worsen as population and traffic volumes continue to grow.
Main Roads is engaging the community and stakeholders to help shape a plan that can improve safety, reduce congestion and enhance connectivity and liveability for people who travel along or live near this key transport route.
We will use a range of engagement approaches to create a community-focussed vision for the future of Orrong Road including:
- Broad consultation - Visit our Participate Page.
- Targeted, direct engagement with key stakeholders.
- Forming a deliberative panel of 70 community members and stakeholders who will be asked to consider options and deliver a recommendation that meets the needs of all road users and the local community.
The project is currently in the planning phase. The full project lifecycle, and a project map, are outlined in the graphics below