Orrong Connect - Participate
Our initial broad engagement period has concluded with the close of our survey ideas board and online map.
We thank everyone who has taken part to date. The level of interest in the planning study has been very encouraging and our Community Engagement Snapshot outlines some of the important findings from the broad engagement.
What's next?
Our deliberative panel has started to consider the challenges and opportunities and come up with a vision for a future Orrong Road.
Panel members have been given given a clear remit, along with a suite of briefing materials, and are now participating in a series of independently facilitated workshops. In the workshops they are considering the issues and exploring each of the options.
When the deliberative panel completes the workshops it will deliver a recommendation for the development of the Orrong Road transport corridor. Main Roads will then progress its technical investigations and develop a business case to seek construction funding.
Stay informed
To stay informed about Orrong Connect, register your details and we will send you updates as things progress.