What's happening
Read the February Construction Update.
Amenity wall clearing
The Project team is exploring options to reduce clearing required to construct the additional walls within the Project area.
While there will be substantial clearing to the south-west as the walls approach the Old Coast Road intersection, our early design indicates less than anticipated clearing will be required along Mandurah Road adjacent to Waterside Drive and Waterlily Drive.
We anticipate initial construction works of the amenity walls will commence in April. Further communications regarding clearing, exact location of the walls and programming will be provided to residents as the design is finalised.
Mandurah Road traffic switch
From mid-February, eastbound traffic will be required to merge earlier after the traffic light intersection with Old Coast Road. This will enable the median works to begin, and all traffic laterally shifted north, creating space for workers to safely commence construction of additional amenity walls and future road alignment.
There will be some night works to remove and update signage relating to this traffic realignment on Monday 17 February.
Working outside of normal hours
- Early start times will continue on specific days in preparation for concrete pours and associated bridge segment works
- Ad-hoc works may occur on Sunday 2 February and 16 February if necessary
- The installation of noise wall panels along Egret Point Road and Waterside Drive near the existing bridge will occur Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 February from 7pm–5am. These works are scheduled at night to reduce the impact on traffic during the day. A contraflow traffic system will be implemented for eastbound traffic.
- Traffic management signage and bollards will be removed on the night of Monday 17 February from 7pm–4am.
Existing fishing platform closure
Main Roads has advised City of Mandurah to close the existing fishing platform for safety reasons, unrelated to the Mandurah Estuary Bridge Duplication project works. Please visit City of Mandurah’s Facebook post for more information.
Members of the community are requested to refrain from accessing the construction area to access the fishing platform.
Fishing from within the construction area is prohibited.
Egret Point Road between Wedgetail Retreat, Halls Head and Seahawk Drive, Erskine
- Intermittent traffic management will be in place for the remainder of the project
- Local traffic west of the existing bridge will be detoured to Old Coast Road from Bower Drive, while local traffic east of the bridge will be detoured via Leisure Way
- There may also be times when a road closure is required, which will be communicated with road signage and via construction updates in advance
- Map
Egret Point Road between Wedgetail Retreat, Halls Head and Seahawk Drive, Erskine
- A detour will be in place along Egret Point Road for four weeks to install additional drainage
- The permanent road surface will also have a ‘speed hump’ installed to improve road safety
- Pedestrians and cyclists will still be able to access under the bridge via a temporary footpath.
- Map
Path Detours
Waterside Drive to Mandurah Road shared path
- Shared path closed to install temporary barriers
- No access to and from Waterlily Drive to Mandurah Road for the duration of the project.
- Cyclists, mobility devise users and pedestrians need to use the detour route identified to Leslie Street and cross Mandurah Road at this intersection.
- The cycle access path will be reinstated aligning with new median and access path to Waterlily Drive at the end of the project.
- Detour Map
Marine Works
Estuary Construction Area - 150m either side of the existing bridge
- A reduced 5-knot speed limit is in place
- Please follow the ‘no wake, no wash’ principle
- The navigational channel passing underneath the bridge, between piers four and five, has been reduced to a 30m width
- Estuary users are reminded that works continue in the water, therefore please approach the navigational channel with caution as it is a live construction area
- All marine traffic, including non-motorised vessels, must use the main navigational channel when traversing the bridge and follow markers and temporary buoys that are in place in the estuary
connectivity & safety
traffic flow