What's happening
Current status
Public consultation on the future planning design concept for West Coast Highway concluded in February 2022 and Main Roads has since completed the planning review.
The Western Australia Planning Commission has supported the concept and the Minister for Planning has approved a Planning Control Area (PCA) to protect the proposed road corridor, while the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage prepares an amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS).
To view the land affected by the PCA, please visit the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
It is important to note that this is a long-term planning study to inform required changes to the MRS. There will be further consultation in the future when the concept is funded for project development and delivery.
Planning Review
The planning review found a centrally-located, lowered road section in combination with parallel roads and multiple pedestrian crossing points at ground level as the most suitable solution.
This allows access to be maintained during construction and ensures the least possible impact on the natural and built environment, residents, businesses and passing trade, as well as visitors to the area.
We also assessed several other options, including road widening and a tunnel. Our concept offers the most benefits in terms of minimising property impacts, reducing travel times, improving safety, and providing local amenity.
connectivity and accessibility
pedestrian and cyclist crossing points
safer and more convenient access