Data Lodgement Guideline

1 Introduction

In 2001/02 a Data Management Plan (Position Paper) was developed by the Road & Traffic Engineering Branch that raised the issue of Data Management within Main Roads and in particular the lodgement and management of survey, mapping and road design data and associated reports generated from Main Roads works.

A key recommendation of the report was the development of a guideline for the lodgment of all survey, mapping, geodetic and design information.

Corporate Executive approved this recommendation in March 2002 and the Road & Traffic Engineering Branch undertook the role to develop a Data Lodgement Guideline in accordance with this recommendation.

2 Scope

The information defined in this guideline shall cover the format and lodgement process of all Survey, Mapping, Bridge and Road Design information developed from projects within Main Roads or on behalf of Main Roads by contractors and consultants

This information is to be lodged with the Project Manager, in accordance with this guideline, who will then forward the information to the Data Manager – (Survey & Geospatial Services and Road & Traffic Engineering Branch).

Data relating to Bridgeworks has also been included in this guideline, however when lodged, the Project Manager shall forward the information to the Structures Information and Standards Manager – Pavement and Structures Engineering.

Design reports, including design reviews and Road Safety Audits shall be lodged with the Project Manager who will forward them to the Information Manager – Information Management section for storage.

3 Definitions

The following terms used in this guideline have the specific meanings indicated:

            OpenRoads - Road Design Software

            AUTOCAD - CAD package

            12D - Civil and Surveying Software

            MICROSTATION - Civil Engineering Software Package

            SURVEY – Digital Ground Survey, Mapping and Geodetic information

            DESIGN – Digital Design and relevant Autocad drawings

            DLI - Department of Land Information (ex DOLA)

            CSD Editor - Cadastral Survey Data Editor

            CSDB - Cadastral Spatial Database

            LM – Line Marking

4 Lodgement of Digital Information

To ensure the effective management, compliance, storage and asset protection of existing and future digital information, all survey and design information (including Autocad drawings) created from or for Main Roads contracts shall be lodged by the Project Manager with the

  • Data Manager - (Survey & Geospatial Services and Road & Traffic Engineering Branch)
  • Structures Information and Standards Manager - Pavement and Structures Engineering Branch
  • Information Manager – Information Management Branch

as detailed in this guideline.

All Survey and Design information that was held in the regions or head office has been placed on a central data server \\dacsrv01\spatialdata\projects. This server will continue to be the repository for all future survey and design information created from or for Main Roads projects.

All Main Roads personnel have “read only access” to this server, which enables access to or to query the availability of survey and design information.

To enable amendments to stored information when required, a number of Head Office and Regional personnel have update access to this server

5 Standards and Data Format

5.1 Software

Main Roads uses the following software for all survey, design/drawing applications

  • OpenRoads - Road Design
  • OpenRoads, Microstation and 12D – Survey, Mapping and Geodetic
  • Autocad, Microstation - Drawing production.

All digital information lodged, shall be compatible with the above software.

Consultants shall ensure that when lodging AutoCAD  and Microstation drawing files, that they are compatible with the current version being used by Main Roads.

All reports and documents shall be Microsoft Office 2013 compatible.

5.2 Data Format

Sections 6 to 17 of this guideline define individual formats for the lodgement of the following datasets, including supporting documentation.

  • Design
  • Design Reports
  • Digital Ground Survey
  • Waterway Investigation Survey
  • Digital Photogrammetric Mapping
  • Digital Rectified Images
  • Geodetic Control
  • Verified Cadastral
  • Design Drawings
  • Pavement Marking Drawings
  • Bridge Drawings
  • As-constructed Drawings

All survey and design information that is lodged shall be based on the Project co-ordinate system specified in the project brief.

6 Design Data

All background and design models created or used by Consultants shall be as per MRWA on-line OpenRoads Design Standards.

7 Design Reports

All design reports, including design reviews and Road Safety Audits, prepared in the course of the design shall be lodged with the Project Manager. The reports shall be Microsoft Office 2013 compatible.

All design reports lodged are to be listed in a report register, supplied in an MS Excel spreadsheet. This register shall contain:

  • Report Name and Type (Concept, Preliminary or Detailed)
  • Project Name
  • Road Section (Road Number and SLK)
  • Report Status (Final or Draft)
  • Date
  • Author

8 Digital Ground Survey

Digital Ground Survey shall be lodged in accordance with Document

67-08-43 (Digital Ground Survey).

9 Waterway Investigation Survey

Waterway Investigation Survey shall be lodged in accordance with Document 67-08-42 (Waterway Investigation Surveys).

10 Digital Mapping

Digital Mapping shall be lodged in accordance with Document

67-08-44 (Digital Photogrammetric Mapping).

11 Digital Rectified Images

Digital Rectified Images (eg: Orthophotos) shall be lodged in accordance with Document 67-08-12 (Digital Rectified Images)

12 Geodetic Control

Where Geodetic Control is established the following information is to be supplied to the Project Manager at the time of establishment. This information shall then be forwarded directly to the Senior Geodetic Surveyor - (Asset and Geospatial Information Branch Survey and Mapping Section) for verification of the control.

12.1 Standard Survey Marks, Road Reference Marks, Minor Control and Differential Levelling

Shall be lodged in accordance with Geodetic Control Survey standard (D22#371770) .

13 Verified Cadastral

All verified cadastral models are to be lodged at Landgate.

Once verified by Landgate the consultant shall be notified of verification by Landgate, at which time, the consultant shall extract the final model from the SCDB for lodgement with the Project Manager.

All cadastral data shall be supplied in Microstation format in accordance with Document 67-08-49 (Verified Cadastral Models)

14 Design Drawings

All drawings created by Consultants (including as-constructed) shall meet the presentation specifications defined in the Document 67-08-88 (Design and Drawing Presentation Guideline)

  • All drawings prepared for Main Roads shall be supplied in electronic AutoCAD ".dwg" and / or Microstation “.dgn plus Adobe Acrobat “.pdf” format.
  • All drawings shall be named as per the Main Roads drawing number and are not to be supplied with a contractors naming convention
  • Drawings shall not be supplied to Main Roads with reference to external files attached. Refer to the section on “External reference Files” defined in Document 67-08-88 (Design and Drawing Presentation Guideline) for further information.
  • All drawings lodged are to be listed in a drawing register, supplied in an MS Excel spreadsheet. This register shall contain the following:
    • Main Roads Drawing Number
    • Drawing Title
    • SLK Start
    • SLK End
    • PDF of Design Drawing Supplied
    • As- constructed Signed PDF Supplied
    • Consultant
    • Main Roads - Road Number and Name
    • Local Authority
    • Main Roads File Number (if available)

Example of Drawing Register

Unless requested by the Project Manager hard copy plots of completed drawings are not required. However when requested these drawings shall reflect all changes to the design as a result of design reviews, re-design or on site modifications.

NOTE: For design and as-constructed drawings Main Roads no longer requires Microfilm 35mm exposure format in an aperture card.

15 Line Marking Drawings

Category "A" and "B" Pavement Marking drawings shall meet the specifications defined for Design Drawings detailed at Section 14.

Category "A" are traffic signal drawings and Category "B", signs (excluding major signs) and pavement markings.

16 Bridge Drawings

All drawings created or used by consultants (including as-constructed) shall meet the presentation specifications defined in the Document 3912/04 (Bridge Branch Drafting Information and Practices). For details contact the Structures Information and Standards Manager, Pavement and Structures Engineering Branch.

  • All drawings prepared by consultants in electronic format for Main Roads shall be supplied in AutoCAD ".dwg" format and to be in Model Space (X-Ref drawings are not acceptable).
  • All drawings are to be listed in a drawing register, supplied in an Excel spreadsheet. This register will contain the following information taken from the drawings
  • Main Roads Structures Engineering Drawing Number (eg XX30-XXXX)
  • Main Roads Structures Engineering Bridge Number
  • Drawing Title
  • SLK Start
  • Microfilmed (Yes/No)
  • Consultant
  • Main Roads – Road Number and Name
  • Local Authority
  • Main Roads File Number (if available)

Example of Bridge Drawing Register

17 As-Constructed Drawings

17.1 Road Design

As-constructed data, captured as part of a Main Roads contract, shall be lodged with the Project Manager/Superintendent for incorporation into the contract design or for re-calculation of earthwork quantities.

This as-constructed data shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Any onsite design changes including adjustment of:
  • Culverts
  • Drainage Manholes
  • Driveway/Accesses
  • Footpaths
  • Pedestrian Crossings
  • Safety Barriers
  • Services
  • General Services Ducts

17.2 Design Drawing Requirements

Upon completion of construction, all road design drawings shall be updated to reflect any departures from the original design implemented during the construction phase.

  • Each drawing in the drawing set (even if unchanged) shall be amended to reflect the as-constructed changes and a description added to the amendments box describing the changes to the drawing.
  • As defined in Document 67-08-88 (Design and Drawing Presentation Guideline) each drawing in the drawing set (even if unchanged) shall also have an “As-constructed” drawing block inserted, to reflect that it is now an As-constructed drawing. The amendment to an unchanged drawing should read “As-constructed No Change” in the description box.
  • All as-constructed drawings shall be signed by an approved signatory, to acknowledge that changes to the original design have been incorporated into the new drawings
  • As per section 14 all as-constructed drawings shall be provided in Electronic (unsigned) and PDF (signed) format.

17.3 Bridge Drawing Requirements       

Upon completion of construction for a bridge design project, all drawings shall be updated to reflect any departures from the original design implemented during the construction phase.

  • Each drawing in the drawing set, (except for the Standard drawings) even if unchanged, shall be amended to reflect the As-constructed status and a description added to the amendments box describing the changes to the drawing. If design/construction changes occurred to the Standard drawings then the Standard drawings would need to be given a new Main Roads drawing number & the drawings title block information would reflect that of the contract drawings (eg Bridge number, drawn by, designed, approved & the consultants logo etc)
  • Each drawing in the drawing set (except for the Standard drawings) (even if unchanged) shall also have an “As-constructed” drawing block inserted, to reflect that it is now an As-constructed drawing. The amendment to an unchanged drawing should read “As-constructed No Changes” in the amendments description box.

17.4 Bridgework Data Requirements

Before lodgement of as-constructed information the Project Manager is to verify that the as-constructed data (drawings) are a true representation of the as-built information supplied for the contract.

Upon verification the following is to be lodged

  • Hard copy (original), full size (as per contract documentation) monochrome plots completed drawings shall be supplied.
  • Electronic copies of As-constructed drawings shall be supplied as per section 19.
  • Two copies of the final amended drawings (as-constructed) are to be supplied in Microfilm 35mm exposure format in an aperture card. One card is to only show the drawing number. Refer Figure 1. The second card is to show the drawing number, the bridge number and the drawing title as per Figure 2.


Figure 2 - Drawing Aperture Card (Card 2)

18 Lodgement Timeline

18.1 Contract Data

All final survey and design digital information shall be lodged with the Project Manager prior to the final contract payment and job close out (Refer section 3B of Special Conditions of Contract).  

However when the survey component is undertaken as part of a Design or Design and Construct Contract, these components may be progressively completed during the contract.

To allow the re-use (prior to contract completion) or to allow audits to be undertaken on this data, all survey information is to be lodged with the Project Manager when finalised in accordance with the relevant standard. This maybe prior to contract completion.

In the case of digital ground survey, data shall be lodged at the completion of the main survey. Where additional minor survey is carried out for contract purposes (eg: culvert relocation, additional off road survey for drainage investigation etc.) the additional survey need not be lodged until the final completion of the contract.

However upon contract completion, all minor survey work carried out, shall be included in the main survey model and is to be relodged as per the requirements at Section 19 of this guideline.

The Data Manager (Survey & Geospatial Services and Road & Traffic Engineering Branch) or Structures Information and Standards Manager (Pavement and Structures Engineering Branch) shall review the lodged data within 1 week of lodgement by the Project Manager and advise whether the submission meets the Contract requirements.

18.2 In-house Projects

Where internal survey and design projects are undertaken, upon completion of the project, all survey and design information shall be lodged in accordance with this guideline.

19 Data Lodgement Requirements

19.1 Digital/Hardcopy Data (Developed by consultants)

Two separate copies of the digital information described in this guideline shall be lodged with the Project Manager.

  • Information is to be provided on the CD/DVD in separate data sets, as per section 21 for:
  • Design
  • Design Reports
  • Digital Ground Survey
  • Waterway Investigation Survey
  • Digital Photogrammetric Mapping
  • Digital Rectified Images
  • Geodetic Control
  • Verified Cadastral
  • Design Drawings
  • Pavement Marking Drawings (separate sub-directories for category A and B)
  • Bridge Drawings
  • As-constructed Drawings - Design
  • As-constructed Drawings – Bridge
  • Bridgeworks information is to be supplied on a separate CD/DVD to the above information.
  • Original drawings, if requested, are to be supplied in a protective covering to prevent damage.
  • All Structures, aperture cards (incorporating microfilmed drawings) are to be supplied in a secure medium so as to prevent damage to the microfilm or aperture card.

19.2 Digital/Hardcopy Data (Developed by Main Roads personnel)

Where Main Roads staff undertakes work, the information detailed at Item 18.2 can be lodged directly on the spatial server. Data is to be placed in a

“project directory” under the relevant regional sub-directory in \\dacsrv01\spatialdata\data_lodgement.

The name of the ”project directory” is to take the format of

“Road No._roadname_start SLK_end SLK”. Once data has been lodged the Data Manager – ( Survey & Geospatial Services and Road & Traffic Engineering Branch ) is to be notified of the lodgement.

Apart from hard copy drawings (region to retain) all other requirements of this guideline are to be met.

19.3 Supporting Documentation

The following supporting documentation shall be supplied in electronic format.

19.3.1 Transmittal Advice

An Electronic Data Transmittal Advice (Main Roads 179) shall be supplied with the lodged information.

(Transmittal Advice Proforma)

19.3.2 Metadata

Each deliverable component of the lodged information (refer sections 6 to 17) shall be lodged with an accompanying Metadata Statement.

The minimum information to be included in the metadata is

  • Project Data being supplied
  • Location of Contract (Including start and end SLK)
  • Contract Number (If applicable)
  • Project Number (If applicable)
  • Type of Capture (survey, mapping, design etc.)
  • Main Roads Capture Standard
  • Consultant (Contact, Phone number and E-mail)
  • Main Roads Contact
  • Date of capture (Digital Ground Survey, Mapping, Verified Cadastral)
  • Datum Used

Where service utilities have been captured by survey methods or obtained from regulatory Authorities, the following are the minimum Metadata requirements for each utility:

  • Source (name of supplying Organisation and a Contact Position/Person)
  • Description (a brief description of the data supplied)
  • Data Quality:
    • Positional Accuracy - A statement of the expected absolute or relative accuracy of the data (including dependency on other datasets).
    • Currency - Date of currency of the data or data elements.
    • Completeness - Statement as to the level of completeness of the facilities included.
    • Conditions (any special conditions applied by the utilities authority for works in the vicinity of facilities).

For further information on Metadata refer to Metadata Requirements Guideline.

20 Data Dissemination

20.1 Survey and Road Design Information

For survey, design and associated drawings the Project Manager will:

  • Forward a copy of  all digital data to the Data Manager – (Survey & Geospatial Services and Road & Traffic Engineering Branch).
  • Forward the original drawings, if requested, to the relevant region.

20.2 Bridgeworks

  • Forward all digital, drawings and both copies of the aperture cards to the “Structures Information and Standards Manager” – Pavement and Structures Engineering Branch.
  • Retain a copy of the digital data for future reference by the region.

20.3 Design Reports

  • Forward a copy of all design reports to the Information Manager – Information Management Branch

21 Mediums for Digital Data

Digital Data must be presented on either of the following mediums:

  • CDs       
  • CD-R (CD+R not accepted)
  • 700MB
  • Windows 7 compatible

and / or

  • DVDs    
  • DVD-R (DVD+R not accepted)
  • 4.7GB
  • Windows 7 compatible

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