Traffic Warden Controlled Children's Crossing
Traffic Warden Controlled Children's Crossing Variations and additions to AS 1742. 10 Clause 7.2 and Figures 3 and 4 are shown on Main Roads Drawing No's. 9120-0174 and 9531-2169 and include the following:
- The 18m and 9m No Stopping distances have been increased to 20m and 10 m to reflect the Western Australia Road Traffic Code 2000.
- Australian Standard fluorescent yellow green sign W6-3 to be used for children crossing sign. This supersedes the use of the Main Roads sign, MR-WDP-3, along with the fluorescent orange colour.
- Fluorescent orange of R3-3 flag to continue to be used in lieu of fluorescent yellow green sign W8-22 on the advance warning sign. However, W8-14 shall be used in conjunction with the R3-3 flag and W6-3B sign. Sign W8-14 should be fluorescent yellow green to match with the associated W6-3 Children Crossing sign. Flags are placed on the advance warning sign posts at times of operation of the Traffic Warden and this is considered to provide a more clear message to motorists of crossing working times.
- Continued use of the flag R3-3 on the advance warning signs, instead of on the 1.8m bollards adjacent to the stop lines, to provide earlier advance warning for the motorists of the crossing ahead. In addition, placement of the flags on the 1.8 m bollards will restrict sight line visibility between drivers and pedestrians.
- Retain the use of full time No Stopping where possible.
- Doubling up of flashing signal assemblies on separate poles on each approach to the crossing.
- Pedestrian guidelines pavement markings mandatory.