Stock Crossings
Table of Contents
- Document Control
- 1. Policy Statement
- 2. Scope
- 3. Roles and Responsibilities
- 4. Definitions
- 5. Process
- 5.1 Precautions fot taking Stock onto a State Road
- 5.1.1 General
- 5.1.2 Reasonable Warning
- 5.1.3 Unreasonable Delay
- 5.1.4 Costs
- 5.1.5 Roads with High Traffic and Animal Crossing Volumes
- 5.2 Stock Underpasses under State Roads
- 5.2.1 General
- 5.2.2 Costs
- 5.2.3 Design and Construction
- 5.2.4 Maintenance
- 5.2.5 Application
- 5.2.6 Approval
- 6.Technical Guidelines
- 6.1 General
- 6.2 Stock Crossings
- 6.2.1 Stock Crossings with Sight Distance Greater than 300 Metres
- 6.2.2 Stock Crossings with Sight Distance Less than 300 Metres
- 6.2.3 Use of Stock Crossings During Night-Time, Periods of Poor Visibility or Hazardous Locations
- 6.3 Droving of Stock Along a Road
- 6.4 Signs
- 6.5 Vehicle Mounted Warning Device
- 6.6 Stock Underpasses
- 7. Applicable Drawings
- 8. References and related documents
- 9. Appendices
Document Control
Owner | Manager Road and Traffic Engineering – Section 6 Manager Traffic Management Services – All other sections |
Custodian | Traffic Technical Services Manager – All sections except as below. Traffic Engineering Standards Manager – Section 6 |
Document Number | D22#564655 |
Issue Date | October 2022 |
2 Years |
1. Policy Statement
This guideline outlines the reasonable precautions that should be undertaken by a person when moving stock on a State Road and Main Roads’ requirements for provision of stock underpasses under State roads.
These guidelines do not address the issue of straying stock in unfenced pastoral areas. Fencing details of road reserves in pastoral areas to prevent stock from entering the road is available in the Guide to the Design of Fencing & Walls and straying animal signage requirements where unfenced sections of pastoral land dedicated for livestock bounds a State Road is available in the Stray Animal Signs Policy.
2. Scope
2.1 Background
The person in charge of moving stock across or along a road does not need formal permission from the road authority except for the following statutory requirements:
- For roads with declared Control of Access, the consent of Main Roads is required (Main Roads Act 1930, Section 28A(4)), and
- For roads within a town, to have the permission of the CEO (Road Traffic Code (RTC) 2000 Regulation 277).
The person in charge of moving stock across or along a road must carry either a:
- Livestock Waybill or
- Special permit to move.
Further information can be obtained from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
A person droving stock on roads shall:
- Not leave stock unattended or inadequately attended (RTC Regulation 275) and
- Provide reasonable warning and not cause unreasonable delay to approaching traffic (RTC Regulation 276).
The RTC allows the person in charge of moving stock on a road to install temporary road warning signs (RTC Regulations 276 & 297) and to display a yellow flashing warning light on a vehicle (RTC Regulation 289).
2.2 Application
This guideline applies to roads designated as State Roads.
Maps of State Roads can be located on our website under State Road Network Mapping System.
3. Roles and Responsibilities
Role | Responsibility |
Regional Manager | Approve |
Manager of Traffic Management Services | Approve |
4. Definitions
Refer to Main Roads Glossary of Terms guidelines which provide the most commonly used terminology used by Main Roads.
Term | Definition |
AS | Australian Standards |
Form completed by the livestock owner recording details of the animal movement (Obtained from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s Agriculture and Food division) | |
Local Road | Road under the control of a Local Government |
Main Roads | Main Roads Western Australia |
RTC | Road Traffic Code 2000 |
Special permit to move | Permit issued by a Department of Agriculture & Food inspector approving the movement of stock between two properties without a waybill |
State Road | Highway and main road under the control of Main Roads Western Australia and includes national highways |
Traffic sign | Sign as recognised in the Australian Standards or Main Roads signs index |
5. Process
5.1 Precautions for taking Stock onto a State Road
5.1.1 General
The RTC Regulation 276 requires the person in charge of stock on a road to:
- Take all reasonable precautions to warn approaching traffic of the presence of the stock, and
- Arrange the moving of the stock at such times, and in such numbers, and establishes such control of the stock on the road, as is likely to prevent it causing unreasonable delay to the passage of other traffic.
5.1.2 Reasonable Warning
Reasonable precautions to warn approaching traffic with warning signs and devices is provided in the Technical Guidelines (Section 6).
5.1.3 Unreasonable Delay
Circumstances considered to be cause for unreasonable delay are as follows:
- The duration of road closure is greater than 5 minutes; and for multiple crossing movements, all queued vehicles are not cleared before the commencement of the next crossing movement, or
- The stock movement is on a dual carriageway road, or
- The crossing is closer than 1 km to a stock underpass servicing the same landowner, or
- The road’s annual average daily traffic (AADT) volume is between 1,000 and 2,500 vehicles per day and daily animal crossings are more than 50 animal crossings per day, or
- The AADT volume is greater than 2,500 vehicles per day.
5.1.4 Costs
The person in charge of the stock is responsible of the supply, installation and removal of the road traffic signs and devices associated with the stock movement on a road.
5.1.5 Roads with High Traffic and Animal Crossing Volumes
A stock underpass is the preferred method of moving stock across the road when:
- The stock movement is on a dual carriageway road, or
- The road’s annual average daily traffic (AADT) volume is between 1,000 and 2,500 vehicles per day and daily animal crossings are more than 50 animal crossings per day, or
- The AADT volume is greater than 2,500 vehicles per day.
Stock underpasses may also be considered at lower volume thresholds.
5.2 Stock Underpasses under State Roads
5.2.1 General
A stockowner may install an underpass under a State Road subject to compliance with these guidelines. There are conditions on the design, construction, maintenance and Main Roads’ contribution to costs.
5.2.2 Costs
There is no fee for Main Roads to process an application. The applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with the design, construction and maintenance, except maintenance of the underpass structure, which shall be at Main Roads’ cost.
Main Roads may agree to contribute to the design and construction cost of the underpass structure, and if it does, the contribution shall be as shown in Figure 1. Main Roads funding contribution will be paid within 30 days of satisfactory completion of construction of the underpass structure, provided that the underpass is operational.
In a case where a new State Road severs a parcel of land and subsequently disrupts stock movement, a stock underpass may be designed and constructed at Main Roads’ cost.
Main Roads will contribute up to 25 percent of the cost of a stock underpass depending on the AADT as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 - Stock Underpass Cost Sharing
Formula for calculating Main Roads’ cost share for a stock underpass:
- Cost share = 0.05 x AADT (on roads having less than 500 AADT) in percent
- Cost share = 25 percent (on roads having greater than or equal to 500 AADT)
5.2.3 Design and Construction
For sections of the underpass that are within and at the boundary of the road reserve, the design shall be approved by Main Roads and the construction shall be undertaken by Main Roads approved consultants/contractors.
5.2.4 Maintenance
The underpass structure shall be maintained by Main Roads. However, the maintenance of the underpass is the applicant’s responsibility, which includes removal of vegetation, fouling and repair of any damage to the underpass road infrastructure within the road reserve.
5.2.5 Application
A person wishing to install a stock underpass must submit an application to Main Roads. The Application form is located at Appendix 2 of these Guidelines.
Applications should be submitted to the Regional Manager, or Director of Operations where applicable for all Regions except Metropolitan Perth which should be to the Manager Traffic Management Services. All information requested on the Application Form for a Stock Underpass shall be included.
5.2.6 Approval
Approval of an application shall include a condition that a Stock Underpass Agreement be signed by both the applicant and Main Roads before commencement of any work in the road reserve and shall indicate the extent, if any, of Main Roads’ contribution of funding the underpass. A typical Stock Underpass Agreement is included at Appendix 4 of these Guidelines.
Approval of the Application for a Stock Underpass and approval of the Agreement for design, construction, maintenance and funding of a Stock Underpass are to be by an officer authorised by the Commissioner in Main Roads’ Delegation of Authority Manual.
6.Technical Guidelines
6.1 General
The removal or covering of stock crossing signs when not in use is mandatory. Signs that are displayed while not in use may bring all signing into disrepute and may result in motorists disregarding important warnings. Signs should be covered such that they are not visible in all light conditions.
6.2 Stock Crossings
6.2.1 Stock Crossings with Sight Distance Greater than 300 Metres
Where a stock crossing is located such that approaching motorists can see the stock crossing point from more than 300m away, signing should be as per Figure 2.
Figure 2 - Typical Stock Crossing Site
The crossing should desirably not be used when sun glare will interfere with drivers' view of the traffic signs or stock on the road.
Where stock movements are adjacent to or encompass an intersection, STOCK AHEAD and ON SIDE ROAD signs should be used on the side roads, to alert motorists entering the road that there is stock on the road.
Figure 2 - Stock Crossing Site near an intersection
The location of the STOCK AHEAD sign should be based on posted speed limit which determines distance from the stock crossing as shown in Table 1.
Posted Speed Limit km / hr |
Minimum Spacing Distance |
60 | 120 m |
70 | 120 m |
80 | 180 m |
90 | 180 m |
100 | 250 m |
110 / State Limit | 250 m |
TABLE 1 - Placement of STOCK AHEAD Signs
6.2.2 Stock Crossings with Sight Distance Less than 300 Metres
If the stock crossing site is positioned such that approaching motorists cannot see the stock crossing point from at least a minimum of 300 metres away during the day, then signage should be as shown in Figure 3.
The REDUCE SPEED and the STOCK AHEAD signs should be visible at the same time to the approaching motorist.

Figure 3- Signing at stock crossings with sight distance less than 300m
Posted Speed Limit km / hr |
Minimum Spacing Distance |
60 | 50 m |
70 | 50 m |
80 | 60 m |
90 | 60 m |
100 | 70 m |
110 / State Limit | 70 m |
TABLE 2: Placement of REDUCE SPEED Signs
6.2.3 Use of Stock Crossings During Night-Time, Periods of Poor Visibility or Hazardous Locations
Daylight use of stock crossings is preferred. Where the stock crossing is proposed to be used during night-time, periods of poor visibility or in a hazardous location, the following actions should be taken:
- Signing and flashing rotating yellow light should be carried out in accordance with Figure 3 (See also sections 6.4 and 6.5),
- Any person standing on or adjacent to the road for the purposes of controlling stock shall wear clothing with reflective strips,
- Floodlighting shall be provided at the crossing point. The lighting should be sufficient to clearly illuminate stock on the road formation in the vicinity of the crossing point. If the road reserve is wider than 30m then floodlights should be placed on both sides of the road reserve, and
- The Main Roads sign STOCK AHEAD PREPARE TO STOP (MR-WAW-6) should be considered for use.
With reference to Figure 2, the STOCK AHEAD PREPARE TO STOP sign should be positioned in place of the STOCK AHEAD sign.
6.3 Droving of Stock Along a Road
Where it is necessary to move stock more than 100m along a road reserve, signs should be erected along the road shoulder in accordance with Figure 4. In addition, a lead vehicle and a tail vehicle should be placed in front and at the rear of the stock to warn approaching motorists. The vehicles should be located at a distance from the stock as shown in Table 1.
Figure 4 - Sigining for droving of stock along a road
Note: When using the NEXT ... km sign, the value for the distance should be between 1km and 10km.
Where stock can be moved along the road reserve without stock or vehicles travelling on the carriageway, it remains necessary to adhere to the signage shown in Figure 4.
6.4 Signs
The conditions of the following publications have been described in this guideline:
- Main Roads’ Signs Index and relevant guidelines,
- Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022, and
- Relevant Australian Standards.
Therefore, this guideline provides sufficient guidance for a person wanting to take stock onto a road to comply with the necessary standards. If required, further information can be obtained by contacting the Regional Manager, or Director Operations where applicable, for all regions except within Metropolitan Perth Region where contact is Manager Traffic Management Services.
Signs should be erected in accordance with these guidelines and Main Roads Standard Drawings 9548-0106 and 8720-0762. All signs shall be rigid. The class of retroreflective material used shall be Class 400. Refer to Main Roads Chapter 3 – Sign Standards for more information.
Signing should be displayed prior to and during the stock movement. Signs and flashing yellow warning lights should be positioned and erected so that:
- they are properly displayed and firmly secured so as to prevent them being blown over by the wind or passing traffic, and
- signs may be placed on the roadside or road shoulder and should be at least 1m clear of the road lanes.
The signs and any flashing yellow lights should be displayed or installed immediately prior to the stock being driven on to the road reserve and covered or removed as soon as the stock are no longer in the road reserve, as per Section 6.1.
Signs are a specified treatment in this guideline, and typical signs are listed in Table 3.
"STOCK AHEAD" T1-19B ‘B’ Sign Size: 1200 x 900mm |
![]() |
"REDUCE SPEED" G9-9A Sign Size: 1500 x 750mm |
![]() |
"NEXT ... KM" W8-17-1B Sign Size: 750 x 450mm |
![]() |
"ON SIDE ROAD" W8-3C (L illustrated) Sign Size: 750 x 500mm |
![]() |
"STOCK AHEAD PREPARE TO STOP (With Flashing Yellow)" MR-WAW-6B Sign Size: 1100 x 1600mm |
![]() |
TABLE 3 - List of typical signs for Stock Crossings and Droving of Stock
6.5 Vehicle Mounted Warning Device
The flashing yellow warning light shall comply with the equipment described in the Road Traffic (Vehicle) Regulations 2014. Vehicle indicator lights do not constitute a flashing yellow warning light.
6.6 Stock Underpasses
Stock underpasses generally consist of reinforced concrete box culverts of a size suitable to allow safe passage of the stock and the farmer. Sizes for these structures may, for example, be:
- 1200 x 1200 mm Sheep movements,
- 1500 x 1500 mm Sheep movements where the stock owner may access the underpass, or
- 1800 x 1800 mm Cattle movements and where the stock owner may utilise a vehicle in the underpass.
Fencing details for the underpass to prevent stock from entering the road is available in the Guide to the Design of Fencing & Walls.
7. Applicable Drawings
8. References and related documents
Document Number | Description |
N/A | Main Roads’ Guide to the Design of Fencing & Walls |
D22#1145515 | Main Roads’ Stray Animal Signs Policy |
N/A | Main Roads Act 1930 |
N/A | Road Traffic Code (RTC) 2000 |
N/A | Main Roads’ State Road Network Mapping System |
N/A | Main Roads’ Delegation of Authority Manual |
N/A | Main Roads’ Chapter 3 – Sign Standards |
N/A | Main Roads’ Signs Index |
N/A | Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 |
N/A | Road Traffic (Vehicle) Regulations 2014 |
9. Appendices
Appendix | Title |
Appendix 1 | Typical response to request for information on Stock Crossings/ Underpass |
Appendix 2 | Application Form for Stock Underpass |
Appendix 3 | Typical response for approval / rejection of a Stock Underpass Application |
Appendix 4 | Typical Stock Underpass Agreement |
Appendix 1: Typical response to request for information on Stock Crossings and/or underpasses
Mr J Citizen
ABC Company
Albany Highway
Dear Mr Citizen
Request for information on Stock Crossings/underpasses
Thank you for your recent enquiry requesting information from Main Roads on Stock Crossings/Underpasses.
Main Roads as manager of State Roads has a responsibility to provide a safe road environment for all road users and thus has a responsibility to provide guidance on reasonable precautions on use of its roads. Driving stock across or along a road may impact on the safety of motorists. Main Roads therefore has developed a policy and guidelines to assist farmers in driving stock across or along a road in a safe manner.
Information regarding the good practice in crossing stock across or along a State Road can be found in the Main Roads website at by clicking on the link ‘Technical Library’ and searching for ‘Stock Crossings’.
A printout of information on stock crossings from the Main Roads website is enclosed.
If you require any further information or assistance please contact [CSM] on [PHONE NUMBER] during business hours quoting file reference [FILE REFERENCE].
Yours sincerely
Customer Service Manager
Appendix 2: Application Form
Application for a Stock Underpass
Name of applicant: …………………………………………………………………………………..…..……
Address: ..….….……………………………………..………….….….…….……….…………….……….…
Phone: ……….……..……………………………………….…..…… Mobile: ……….……..…..…………..
Email Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Main road / highway property abuts: ……….……..……………………….……..………….…………….
Location of proposed crossing point: ……….……..……………………………………………………….
Type of stock to utilise crossing: ……….……..…………………………………………………….……….
Number of stock per crossing movement: ……….……..………………………………………………….
Frequency of movements (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal): ……………………………………….
Sketch of location:
Appendix 3: Typical response for approval/rejection of a stock underpass
Mr J Citizen
ABC Company
Albany Highway
Dear Mr Citizen
Stock underpass planning approval
I refer to your recent application for a stock underpass on [Road Name] at [Location}.
Declining to contribute funds to the stock underpass
Due to the envisaged low level of crossing activity, Main Roads is not agreeable to contribute funds to the design and construction of the underpass.
Should you wish to proceed with the stock underpass, you are required to have a Stock Underpass Agreement with Main Roads. A typical Stock Underpass Agreement is enclosed for your information.
Consent to contribute funds to the stock underpass
I am pleased to advise Main Roads is agreeable to contribute [xx%] towards the design and construction of the underpass structure.
Before commencing construction you are required to have a Stock Underpass Agreement with Main Roads. A typical Stock Underpass Agreement is enclosed for your information.
If you require any further information or assistance please contact [CSM] on [PHONE NUMBER] during business hours quoting file reference [FILE REFERENCE].
Yours sincerely
Customer Service Manager
Appendix 4: Typical Stock Underpass Agreement
ABN: 50 860 676 021
ABC Company agrees to fund all costs for the stock underpass except for the following, which the Commissioner agrees to fund:
- Xx% of the design and construction costs of the underpass structure, and
- All costs for structural maintenance of the underpass structure, except for any damage caused by the stockowners use or activity.
Main Roads agrees to pay for its portion of the design and construction costs of the underpass structure within 30 days of completion of the stock underpass.
ABC Company agrees to be responsible for the design the stock underpass and to ensure the design is to Main Roads requirements.
ABC Company agrees to have Main Roads approval of the design of the stock underpass before commencing construction.
ABC Company agrees to be responsible for construction of the stock underpass and to ensure construction is to Main Roads requirements.
Main Roads agrees to be responsible for the structural maintenance of the underpass structure.
ABC Company agrees to maintain the stock underpass except for the structural maintenance of the underpass structure.
J Citizen J Employee
ABC Company Main Roads
PO Box 123 PO Box 194
Williams WA 6391 Narrogin WA 6312
dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy