The 'White Arrow'
Some distance before a closed lane, road users are directed to begin moving out of the impacted lane by a ‘White Arrow’ pointing to the lane, or lanes, road users need to move to.
When the overhead electronic signs display a ‘White Arrow’ this indicates it is a lane, or lanes, you need to move to. This advanced warning sign helps road users merge prior to a lane closure or incident site, keeping a safe area around the incident.
‘White Arrows’ are generally activated at least one overhead electronic sign prior to arriving at a ‘Red X’.
You should change lanes as soon as it is safe to do so whenever you see a ‘White Arrow’ above that lane.
No, the overhead electronic sign speed limits will always be consistent across all open lanes.
However, a red diagonal cross signifies that motorists must not drive in that lane.
A white arrow indicates that motorists must leave the lane as soon as safe to do so, prior to the red cross. The direction of an angled arrow provides guidance for the direction in which a motorist should change lanes or exit.