Career tasters round two - Dalyellup College
The ‘Career Tasters’ program is giving 15 Dalyellup College students the opportunity to experience the many facets that come with a major construction project.
Published: 27 March 2023, Updated: 27 March 2023
The South West Gateway Alliance (SWGA) recently held their second ‘Career Tasters’ program, giving 15 Dalyellup College students the opportunity to experience the many facets that come with a major construction project. In collaboration with South Regional TAFE and Jobs and Skills WA, the SWGA team discussed with students the possible career pathways within the construction industry.
The day began at the Community Hub with a safety induction, allocation of the appropriate personal protective equipment, followed by safety assessment workbooks being distributed. Students were then presented with a communication challenge, highlighting the importance of clear communication protocols that are required onsite.
The students travelled to Collie River where the Alliance's Aboriginal Participation Manager, Joanne Hill, shared her knowledge about the local Aboriginal culture. She spoke about the significance of the Collie River to local Aboriginal people and how it is reflected in their spiritual beliefs. Following this, students took part in a simulated artefact scan of the area.
Aboriginal cultural and heritage experience at Collie River
Next stop was the Raymond Road project site to learn more about civil and structural construction. Students undertook a prestart vehicle inspection and felt the vibrations of a roller compacting the earth. They then learnt how to use a sand penetrometer rod to test the compaction of the sand onsite.
One of the participating students, Quinn, said that the stand out activity was “when we were down by the roller and seeing it vibrate and how hard the ground was after all the layers”.
Students undertaking a vehicle inspection
The students then heard from Site Supervisor, Zac Fantasia, where he explained the process of how the Raymond Road bridge was constructed.
Reflecting on the day, student Alyssa said that she liked seeing the various machines and the variety of jobs there is to be carried out in one day.
Thank you to the Dalyellup College students and we look forward to seeing what you may do in the construction industry in the future!
Students at the Raymond Road project site
Check out the video below on how the day went!
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