What's happening
We're continuing to develop improvements for the section south of Pemberton, between Vasse Highway and Middleton Road.
We have completed 36 km of the 113 km section of highway, which is one-third of the total project. Works include widening the road from 6 metres to 10 metres with sealed shoulders.
In 2023, our Community Reference Group reaches a significant milestone as it has been operating for 10 years. We thank our group members for their invaluable input.
In May 2023, road widening works commenced on the Styles Road to Rooneys Bridge section. These works will recommence in late 2024 when weather permits.
On 23 June 2023, the new Weld River bridge was opened to two way traffic and the sidetrack and temporary Bailey Bridge was removed. We thank road users for their cooperation during the works.