What's Happening
We’ve completed works to improve traffic flow and safety at the intersection of Morley Drive and Constance Street, on the border of Yokine and Nollamara.
Minor works, such as median brick paving and pedestrian crossing handrail installation, will be finalised in the coming weeks.
The project included:
- Intersection modifications to provide separation between vehicles turning right from Morley Drive, and also support the left-in, left-out arrangement from both Constance Street approaches to Morley Drive.
- A new dedicated U-turn facility, located on Morley Drive between Jason Street and Hillsborough Drive, to give road users the opportunity to make a safe U-turn to head west on Morley Drive.
- The relocation and reconstruction of two existing pedestrian crossings on Morley Drive, between Constance Street and Hillsborough Drive, for safety reasons and to bring them to current standards.
traffic flow