HVS Update 10-2024
Opening of the Albany Ring Road between Albany Highway and South Western Highway.
Please be advised that construction works are now complete on the Albany Ring Road between Albany Highway and South Western Highway, as shown in the map link below:
Albany Ring Road Map – March 2024
As such, this section of the Albany Ring Road is now approved for the following Restricted Access Vehicle (RAV) Networks:
- Tandem Drive Networks 2-4
- Tandem Drive Concessional Networks N2.1-4.1
- Tri Drive Networks 1-3
- Tri Drive Concessional Networks 1.1-3.1
- Performance Based Scheme Tandem Drive Network 1B.1
- Oversize Divisible Products Network 2-4
In addition, the construction of both the Albany Highway - Menang Drive interchange and the Albany Ring Road - South Western Highway interchange is also now complete, as shown in the map links below:
Albany Highway - Menang Drive Interchange
Albany Ring Road - South Western Highway Interchange
All ramps at both interchanges are operational providing the corresponding RAV Network connectivity between Menang Drive, Albany Highway & the Albany Ring Road and South Western Highway & the Albany Ring Road.
With the above RAV Network changes now in place, the following local access condition has been applied to the current RAV Networks on Link Road, effective immediately.
- This section of road is approved to access local properties located on this section of road, for the purpose of picking up goods, delivering goods or garaging vehicles. Drivers must carry documentation as proof of local delivery, pickup or garaging address. This section of road must not be used as a through route, except to access other roads only accessible via this section of road.
For further information, please contact the Heavy Vehicle Helpdesk on 138 486 or email hvs@mainroads.wa.gov.au.
HVS Vehicle Services
27 March 2024