This form is to request for environmental documents to be uploaded onto the Main Roads external website. Once submitted the form will be sent to the Main Roads Digital Communications Team, you will also recieve a reciept. Once your document has been uploaded onto the website, you will recieve a confirmation email. If you require multiple documents to be uploaded (as part of the annual clearing documentation process) please contact the Digital Communications team ( ) to discuss. Please choose the documentation you wish to upload from the first drop down menu. Relevant work instructions for each type are below.
This form is to request for environmental documents to be uploaded onto the Main Roads external website. Once submitted the form will be sent to the Main Roads Digital Communications Team, you will also recieve a reciept. Once your document has been uploaded onto the website, you will recieve a confirmation email. If you require multiple documents to be uploaded (as part of the annual clearing documentation process) please contact the Digital Communications team ( ) to discuss. Please choose the documentation you wish to upload from the first drop down menu. Relevant work instructions for each type are below.
Which type of publication is this?
-- Select an option --
Proposed Clearing (CPS 818)
Clearing Commenced (CPS 818)
Construction Project Compliance Report
Revegetation and Landscaping
Projects & Initiatives
Environmental Officer Name
Contact Email address
This is where the receipt of this submission will go to.
Date required to be published on the website
If there is a deadline that this document is required to be published on the external website, then please indicate by when.
If it is not urgent, your request will be actioned within a maximum of 3 business days.
Please either enter information into the 21 Day timeframe, or 1 year publication field.
Please either enter information into the 21 Day timeframe, or 1 year publication field.
21 Day Publication Timeframe
If proposed, this project page is subject to the 21 day submission process. Please enter the closing date in DD/MM/YYYY format.
Please indicate the length of time that this must be published on the website - If a specific date, please indicate date DD/MM/YYYY.
Project / Proposal Reference Number (EOS)
Project Name
Project/Proposal Name
Road Name
Example -31.2735
Example 119.51201
Main Roads Region
-- Select an option --
Goldfields Esperance
Great Southern
Mid West-Gascoyne
South West
Local Government Area
Brief Description of Proposal Rationale and Clearing:
Photo for project page Please either upload a file, or provide a link to the photo in a shared drive (this can be a TRIM link)
Photo for project page Please either upload a file, or provide a link to the photo in a shared drive (this can be a TRIM link)
Link to photo (URL)
TRIM number of Report
Clearing Size
In hectares
Year of clearing
Date Native Vegetation clearing will commence
Date clearing was completed
Number of submissions received during 21 day period
Blurb for webpage