BORR set to begin planting 23,000 native species
The Bunbury Outer Ring Road project continues to work towards its local business and sustainability commitments with the planting of an approximately 23,000 native plants.
Published: 23 June 2023, Updated: 23 June 2023
The project is committed to supporting the region's flora and fauna with initial planting due to start in winter. This will see more than 20 species of native flora, supplied by a local South West nursey Boyanup Botanical, placed on the batters at the Paris Road and Clifton Road interchange.
Mulched batters at the Paris Road and Clifton Road interchange.
The native species of plants include acacia, banksia, hakea, and kunzea. A comprehensive list of species can be found at the end of this article. These species were specifically chosen due to their ability to flourish in the climate and their uniqueness to the region.
Boyanup Botanical grows and propagates all its own seedlings inhouse. This family-owned and operated nursery is staffed by local horticultural experts with a passion for native plants.
Boyanup botanical nursery seedlings.
- Acacia extensa
- Acacia lasiocarpa
- Acacia salignaAgonis flexuosa
- Allocasuarina humilis
- Banksia attenuata
- Banksia grandis
- Banksia littoralis
- Banksia sessilis
- Beaufortia sparsa
- Calothamnus quadrifidus
- Corymbia ficifolia
- Euc gomphocephala
- Hakea lissocarpha
- Hakea ruscifolia
- Hakea varia
- Kunzea glabrescens
- Kunzea recurva
- Mel lateritia
- Mel systena
- Mel teretifolia
- Mel viminea
- Viminaria juncea