Anketell Road Upgrade


In planningFuture

Planning for upgrades to Anketell Road to create a future road freight corridor to Kwinana.

Anketell Road   <em>Upgrade </em>

What's Happening

Planning is now underway to upgrade Anketell Road between Leath Road and Kwinana Freeway as part of the future Anketell Thomas Road Freight Corridor.

There is currently no schedule or funding for construction of upgrades to Anketell Road.

However, as part of the planning process, an early concept road design, which includes the interface with a future rail connection west of Rockingham Road has been developed to inform further consultation with stakeholders and the environmental assessment process.

The concept includes:
  • Upgrading Anketell Road to four lanes between Kwinana Freeway and Leath Road in Kwinana.
  • New Interchanges at Armstrong Road and Rockingham Road.
  • Upgrading intersections / changes at Mandogalup Road, McLaughlan Road (left in and left out), Abercrombie Road and Leath Road.
  • Upgrading Rockingham Road near Anketell Road.

Main Roads referred the Anketell Road Upgrade – Leath Road to Kwinana Freeway proposal to the State Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in March 2024. On 2 April 2024, following a public comment period, the EPA determined to assess the proposal. The EPA will assess the referral information subject to additional information required from Main Roads, the additional information required will be subject to a further four week public review period. This public review period is anticipated to occur in the first half of 2025. Visit the EPA website here.

Main Roads also referred the Anketell Road Upgrade – Leath Road to Kwinana Freeway proposal to the Commonwealth environmental regulator – The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) in March 2024. DCCEEW will invite public comment on the referral before deciding if the proposal is a controlled action and therefore whether or not it requires a formal assessment. The public comment period is now open via the DCCEEW Public Portal until 18 July 2024. Visit the DCEEW Portal here.


the freight network


future population needs


traffic flows and safety

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