HVS Update 13-2024
Replacement of the Intelligent Access Program for monitoring PBS Vehicles in WA
Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Services would like to advise that the Intelligent Access Program (IAP), administered by Transport Certification Australia (TCA), is being replaced by the Telematics Monitoring Application PBSWA (TMAPBSWA) for monitoring vehicles approved under the WA Performance Based Standards (PBS) Scheme.
Several other jurisdictions have already replaced IAP with alternatives for vehicle monitoring and the steady decline in the use of IAP nationally means the future of IAP is now uncertain. As such, we have worked with TCA to develop TMAPBSWA, which was introduced midway through last year as a potential interim replacement for IAP.
Since that time, PBS operators have been able to nominate either IAP or TMAPBSWA to have their approved PBS vehicles monitored, resulting in a steady increase in vehicles enrolled under TMAPBSWA. This has enabled us to determine TMAPBSWA to be a suitable replacement for IAP.
From now, PBS operators will be required to enrol all new PBS vehicles under TMAPBSWA via their TCA Certified Service Provider. Existing PBS vehicles enrolled under IAP can continue to operate as normal whilst IAP remains available. However, we encourage PBS operators to contact their Service Provider to discuss transitioning their existing PBS vehicles over to TMAPBSWA.
As operators transition their PBS vehicles to TMAPBSWA, they will need to contact us and advise us accordingly.
For further information please visit the Performance Based Standards (PBS) page on our website or contact the WA PBS team on 138 486 or email hvsnetworkaccess@mainroads.wa.gov.au.
Heavy Vehicle Services
3 May 2024